Starting to get a little annoyed...

John W

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Planet Earth
for a few reasons.

I want to add satellite back into my kids rooms but would like them to have PVR's since we got rid of all the VHS decks. 522 would work great but as a subscriber since 1997 I don't qualify for one. I could just get 510's but thats a lot of hardware plus one of my tv's is outside on my porch, don't really care if it gets stolen but I don't want to lose a Sat box. I'm not worried about PVR fees because I have the Everything Pack.

Secondly I want HDTV and I want it to be a PVR. Answer - 921 but I hear so much bad stuff about it I am a little scared. I have been looking at Voom but my wife would slap me upside the head if I got another Sat system.

Maybe the answer is to just switch totally over to Directv, right now I only have a basic reciever on one TV for the sports. This really sucks
The 921 has been fairly solid for me, but I don't have an OTA antenna hooked up yet, so bear that in mind as that is why I have been spared from most of the headaches. The new stretch modes on the 16:9 setting look much better, and supposedly L1.80 has helped reduce the spontaneous reboot problem (too soon to tell but we'll see).

I agree I have 4 receivers in my house and they are all PVRs. I'm kicking around the idea of a 5th with a spare 4900 receiver of mine for the basement, but that will get extremely light duty in my household.

DN 2nd level tech say no prob w/811 program guide...

Can you record PPV movies?

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