STARZ on 811


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Original poster
May 15, 2004
STARZHD on Dishnetwork?

According to the STARZ website they are simulcasting movies in HD. Can anyone tell me if the movies shown on DISH Starz is broadcast in HD? I called DISH and one person said that they are and another said no. I am very confused.
I know someone will make the "no compelling content joke/remark" but the simple answer is, no, the Starz-HD channel is not available on Dish...
As soon as dish add it then I buy the package,I assume there are others like me ready to give Dish money if they add this or MaxHD
I'd definitely like to see Dish carry Starz!-HD, TNT-HD Max-HD (and various other channels), but I don't want to have to have a second dish to get it. If they put another sat up and I need a larger dish (I presently have the Dish 500 24" model) to get it, that's not a problem. I just don't want to start looking like an uplink center. :)
After having all of the premium channel packages through E* at one time or another, we settled on Starz and CM. Just my luck since I got my 811 last December, I'm missing out on at least 2 HD channels. But, hey they gave me Dish Bingo (as if I care).
long_time_DNC said:
I'd definitely like to see Dish carry Starz!-HD, TNT-HD Max-HD (and various other channels), but I don't want to have to have a second dish to get it. If they put another sat up and I need a larger dish (I presently have the Dish 500 24" model) to get it, that's not a problem. I just don't want to start looking like an uplink center. :)
:haha I've got 3 dishes working 4 birds. The ones listed in my signature, plus my DirecWay - which IS an uplink!!!

ANYway, there's just so much bandwidth you can have in a single orbital slot, and with the FCC killing E* with the 'single dish' rule for Local-into-Local, they're going to have to WASTE bandwidth duplicating signals that could otherwise be handled with 2 small dishes (the SuperDish ain't 'small').

It just makes so much more sense to put all the 'national' channels on 110/119, and add an extra antenna for your locals - after all, a Dish 300 is smaller and less intrusive than the average outdoor rooftop OTA antenna. Of course, I'm ignoring the city people, but that's not why satellite TV started in the first place. :p :rolleyes:
SimpleSimon said:
:haha I've got 3 dishes working 4 birds. The ones listed in my signature, plus my DirecWay - which IS an uplink!!!

ANYway, there's just so much bandwidth you can have in a single orbital slot, and with the FCC killing E* with the 'single dish' rule for Local-into-Local, they're going to have to WASTE bandwidth duplicating signals that could otherwise be handled with 2 small dishes (the SuperDish ain't 'small').

It just makes so much more sense to put all the 'national' channels on 110/119, and add an extra antenna for your locals - after all, a Dish 300 is smaller and less intrusive than the average outdoor rooftop OTA antenna. Of course, I'm ignoring the city people, but that's not why satellite TV started in the first place. :p :rolleyes:
I agree, I have 4 dishes working 5 birds(not to mention my old b.u.d.'s. put an extra one up for locals. (live in country only option was b.u.d.'s for years)btw. would have gotten a direcway soon, but a wireless option came ava. and installed yesterday :D
dfergie said:
I agree, I have 4 dishes working 5 birds(not to mention my old b.u.d.'s. put an extra one up for locals. (live in country only option was b.u.d.'s for years)btw. would have gotten a direcway soon, but a wireless option came ava. and installed yesterday :D
:) I used to have BUDs back in the day - these little fixed dishes are lots easier. Newbies (as in newer than DBS :)) don't understand how good they've got it. :D A BUD would take up the whole backyard of most of 'em. :rolleyes:

Anyway, my Direcway IS the wireless option for my neighborhood - just finished building the 36' antenna mast for the access point. It's going 30' up a tree shortly. Line of sight don't cha know.

Only trouble is that my WAP was supposed to come to Gatecon with me, and won't be able to now that I'm not the only one using it. :eek:
SimpleSimon said:
:haha I've got 3 dishes working 4 birds. The ones listed in my signature, plus my DirecWay - which IS an uplink!!!

ANYway, there's just so much bandwidth you can have in a single orbital slot, and with the FCC killing E* with the 'single dish' rule for Local-into-Local, they're going to have to WASTE bandwidth duplicating signals that could otherwise be handled with 2 small dishes (the SuperDish ain't 'small').

It just makes so much more sense to put all the 'national' channels on 110/119, and add an extra antenna for your locals - after all, a Dish 300 is smaller and less intrusive than the average outdoor rooftop OTA antenna. Of course, I'm ignoring the city people, but that's not why satellite TV started in the first place. :p :rolleyes:

Agreed, there's only so much bandwidth up there for E* to work with and only so many orbital slots available. The problem I face is location. I have tall hills to the west and the east/north-east and to the north and north-west, so "seeing" 61 isn't possible, 148 is behind trees and tall hills, so I'm more-or-less stuck with 110 and 119 and that's about it (my view is to the south-east).

How big is the SuperDish anyway? I've never seen any pics of it, though I imagine I could find some on the web. :)
long_time_DNC said:
Agreed, there's only so much bandwidth up there for E* to work with and only so many orbital slots available. The problem I face is location. I have tall hills to the west and the east/north-east and to the north and north-west, so "seeing" 61 isn't possible, 148 is behind trees and tall hills, so I'm more-or-less stuck with 110 and 119 and that's about it (my view is to the south-east).

How big is the SuperDish anyway? I've never seen any pics of it, though I imagine I could find some on the web. :)
If I remember right, SuperDish is about 3' across. It's only used for 105/110/119 or 110/119/121. 105 & 121 carry locals and some other junk.

Unh. Not knowing where you are, I can't really comment on 'see'ing 61 or 148, but for most of the country :rolleyes: , 61 is to the southeast - where you seem to not have obstructions.

If you need help in getting the azimuth and elevation for 61 and 148, just give your zipcode - or even one close by if you're worried about such things. :shocked

Of course, you probably already know how to do that - being a long_time_DishNetworkCustomer (or is that Democratic National Committee? in which case, ... oh never mind, I'll cut ya a break - once :eek: )
SimpleSimon said:
If I remember right, SuperDish is about 3' across. It's only used for 105/110/119 or 110/119/121. 105 & 121 carry locals and some other junk.

Unh. Not knowing where you are, I can't really comment on 'see'ing 61 or 148, but for most of the country :rolleyes: , 61 is to the southeast - where you seem to not have obstructions.

If you need help in getting the azimuth and elevation for 61 and 148, just give your zipcode - or even one close by if you're worried about such things. :shocked

Of course, you probably already know how to do that - being a long_time_DishNetworkCustomer (or is that Democratic National Committee? in which case, ... oh never mind, I'll cut ya a break - once :eek: )

3' across? Wow, that's pushing the edge of BUD's alright. ;) Never had a BUD, though I had considered getting one back when they were all there was for satellite TV.

I'm in the Pacific Northwest, an hour or so south of Seattle. That's right, 61 is to the southeast. What was I thinking? :eek: I have that program that gives me the azimuth, so that isn't a problem, but thanks for the offer of help. :)

Oh, and DNC is DishNetworkCustomer (as opposed to the other definition). :eek:
Well, bummer. I don't think 61.5 is going to be visible from where you're at. It's only 11 degrees above the horizon. Azimuth is 92. Lots of magnetic declination there. :)

Oh - a 3' dish is still small. BUDs started at 6', and I used an 8' for reliability even though I'm in the middle of the country.
SimpleSimon said:
Well, bummer. I don't think 61.5 is going to be visible from where you're at. It's only 11 degrees above the horizon. Azimuth is 92. Lots of magnetic declination there. :)

Oh - a 3' dish is still small. BUDs started at 6', and I used an 8' for reliability even though I'm in the middle of the country.

11 degrees...that puts it quite a bit lower than 110 and 119 then, which are roughly around 30 degrees above the horizon for me.

Sure, 3' is still small, but a bit large when compared to the 24" I presently have - 1' larger to be exact. Oh, I've seen plenty of 6' dishes in the SW part of the state, but I think the only 8' dish I've ever seen is at a local newspaper...that thing is immense! :)
Yeah - where I am in central Colorado, 110/119 is @ 43 and 148 is @ 23. I'm having trouble with 148 before it's low enough that I've got a tree to deal with.

Nah - 8' ain't immense - check out an uplink site - like at a TV station. 20-30' or more. :D
SimpleSimon said:
Yeah - where I am in central Colorado, 110/119 is @ 43 and 148 is @ 23. I'm having trouble with 148 before it's low enough that I've got a tree to deal with.

Nah - 8' ain't immense - check out an uplink site - like at a TV station. 20-30' or more. :D

I thought that, years ago, I was going to initially have trouble with 110/119, but it turned out that it was high enough that it wasn't any trouble at all. Ditched cable and never looked back. I have cable internet, but that's all the hardwire fanatics will get out of me. :)

20-30' or more? :shocked What, they lease time for SETI work too? :D ;)

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