Stats for November

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
It's been another record breaking month for SatelliteGuys.US!

This month we have had 6,428,952 Hits which is UP from 5,291,069 in October!

Our bandwidth usage for November was 30.60 GB which was up from 25.06 GB in October.

You may notice that our bandwidth did not go up that much with 1 million plus additional hits, this was due to help from our host F5 Hosting who helped us enable bandwidth saving techniques. The guys at F5 could have easily charged us more but instead helped us to reduce our costs! (Just goes to show what a world class operation F5 is!)

Thanks to all the Pub Members for their support of the site! None of this would be possible without their support!

We have some big things in store for December! Look for more details coming soon!![/url]
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