Stiletto 100


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 14, 2006
Been a 2 year subscriber and have an old Xact that goes with me from home to the car. I've been drooling over the Stiletto SL100 since it came out. Now that the prices have come down a bit I was going to order one. But looking at some reviews on the big box retailer sites I'm a little hesitant to pull the trigger.

I need to know the real deal. Will it work or will I be tossing away $250. I'm in Chicago and the reception on my Xact is pretty good almost everywhere I go, but I want to use the Stiletto at the gym as well as outside.

So is this a good product or something that's not quite there yet.
Thats probably for the Stiletto 10 and not the 100.

Yes, that's for the 10. I wanted the 100 for the wi-fi abilities. Found the 100 for $209 at Their prices seem to change daily so you have to watch for the best deal. Got it Friday and so far so good except for the horrible antenna headphones. They it is truly a pain in the ears to wear them and they look just plain stupid. I've got my fingers crossed for a new model of replacements coming someday. Other than that, it was worth the $209. I'm sure I'll get real burned out on the antenna headphone issue fast though.
I have two Stilettos in my household. The WiFi feature works great for my entire yard (normal suburban home). I like to use my Stiletto while I bass fish and have a travel kit all ready to go anytime I hit the lake. Works perfectly for me in boat. I use the headphone antenna set up for walks, fishing and other outdoor activities.

I do not have a car kit as I use the Stiletto in my home when I am there. The Tivo-like features work just fine. I also transfer rented and purchased music to the Stiletto from Yahoo Music Unlimited. You can also use the included SIRIUS software, but I find using the subscription Yahoo service more enjoyable.
I have two Stilettos in my household. The WiFi feature works great for my entire yard (normal suburban home). I like to use my Stiletto while I bass fish and have a travel kit all ready to go anytime I hit the lake. Works perfectly for me in boat. I use the headphone antenna set up for walks, fishing and other outdoor activities.

I do not have a car kit as I use the Stiletto in my home when I am there. The Tivo-like features work just fine. I also transfer rented and purchased music to the Stiletto from Yahoo Music Unlimited. You can also use the included SIRIUS software, but I find using the subscription Yahoo service more enjoyable.

I've been trying to get the WiFi function to work for a week with no luck. Only thing I haven't done is disable the WAP security. Hate to do it, but I'm going to try it just to see if it will connect.
The first week I had my Stiletto the WiFi was a little wonky, but it got sorted out the more I listened to it.
Quick question. I have the Stelitto 100 and was not to impressed with the WiFi feature. The sound quality is poor and I guess this is because I had the free internet so I upgraded to the premium (128k quality) internet. With the premium package the WiFi still sound poor. Am I doing something wrong or is that all you get for WiFi, and I am using my Bose Head phone. Thanks
You are still receiving the original bit rate. The full 128 kbps SIR premium is not available for the Stiletto yet. I keep hearing soon. I have heard or read where the SIR premium and the Stiletto wifi do afford a higher bit rate than the normal 34 kbps.
Finally had a break long enough to play and got the WiFi working. I found a typo in the MAC address that I entered in my router for the Stiletto. (I keep my network locked down to authorized MAC addresses only.) Pretty happy with the sound so far since I'm only listening and you can't record in WiFi mode.
Finally had a break long enough to play and got the WiFi working. I found a typo in the MAC address that I entered in my router for the Stiletto. (I keep my network locked down to authorized MAC addresses only.) Pretty happy with the sound so far since I'm only listening and you can't record in WiFi mode.
At least it's working :) I don't know why you can't record in WiFi mode since this would be extremely useful and simple to implement in a satellite radio receiver.

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