SuperDISH and Dishpro Adapters

Scott Greczkowski

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Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I was told in the past by a VP at Dish Network that the SuperDISH will not include a DISH Pro Adapter, and that is still the case.

However in the recently published SuperDISH Retailer Rules this statement is included.

In the event that the existing customer has one or more legacy receivers, DISH Pro Adapters may be required.The required quantity of DISH Pro Adapters should be installed free of charge for the customer.

This is good news! Kudos to Dish Network for doing the right thing!
That's good to hear. that will save me (6x cost of adapter) now all they need to do is also include the additional DP34 that I will need.
If they'd sell me a 921 they'd save the money on the legacy adapter since my 6K would be going away. ;)

I'm glad they've decided to do this. I was starting to get a bit angry after folks that got the $199/$148 6K deal got all sorts of stuff for free, adapters, switches even Dish 300's for 61.5/148.
I figured a lot of people would have started selling their used legacy receivers on the satellite boards and on ebay to buy new DishPro receivers since the DishPro adapters cost almost as much as a used or new DishPro receiver (301).
n0qcu said:
That's good to hear. that will save me (6x cost of adapter) now all they need to do is also include the additional DP34 that I will need.

Looks like you may be in luck here too. :) It says they will include whatever you need to keep all your existing receivers running, so if you need a second SW34 then it's included.

Again Kudos to Dish!
n0qcu said:
That's good to hear. that will save me (6x cost of adapter) now all they need to do is also include the additional DP34 that I will need.

Scott Greczkowski said:
Looks like you may be in luck here too. :) It says they will include whatever you need to keep all your existing receivers running, so if you need a second SW34 then it's included. Again Kudos to Dish!

And for those of us who need two DP+44's to keep our must-carry locals from 61.5/148? :)

--- WCS
The DP44 is scheduled for Feb. 1st. This has the legacy adapter built into
it. They'll probably be stuck on extra DP34 inventory & we won't see
the DP44. Also plenty of Legacy adapters & SW 64 switchs to dump on customers also.

E* receiver on D* dish?

$499 for 811

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