$499 for 811

Two guests that added absolutely nothing except fluff and shilling for packages that already exist, while we all waited impatiently for SOMETHING of substance about NEW HD programming or equipment. ARRRGH
I would guess that Charlie quoted the system price of $499. If that is the case then the salve should be $359 or $399.

Charlie always seems to get the system price and slave price mixed up.
Next chat Dec 8 next 811 price $599 next promised delivery date April 1st.(April Fools Day).
Another thing is that they could just be marking up the MSRP so customers appear to get a better "deal" when they mark it down for existing customer specials.

On the other hand, it could be that nobody at E* really knows what's going on and some monkey is in control of the whole thing, rambling out prices, release dates, specs, etc..

Who knows.
On the other hand, it could be that nobody at E* really knows what's going on and some monkey is in control of the whole thing, rambling out prices, release dates, specs, etc..


I think we have a winner. :D
And if they are figuring in the dish in the price that they gave on the chat then wouldn't that inflate the price $200? It would not equal out (unless it would end up being the original price of $299(+$200 figuring in the cost of the dish) for a total of $499.

SuperDISH and Dishpro Adapters

Wierd problem

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