Superdish chimney install


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 31, 2003
Statesboro, Ga
I wanted to share these photo's with those who were thinking about a chimney install.


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The first thing I did was make a template from a superdish bracket that I borrowed from a local installer. I transferred that to a 3/4" piece of treated plywood. I settled on two 2x8's and left a space in the middle for pulling wires. Then I attached the 2x8's to the plywood and drilled the holes for the bracket. Next I located the studs in the chimney and transferred those to the board and drilled for those holes and painted it to match the vinyl. I went ahead and put the bolts in for the bracket ( from behind ) and put duct tape on them so they would not fall out during the install.

The board set around in my garage for about 3 months waiting on an install date. My local installer ( a friend of mine ) finally got enough stock in that he could give me one. The installer came out and she and I took the old dish down and replaced it with my gizmo. I stood on the slope of the roof while she held the board in place and put the first lag screw in the middle/top and it hit the stud dead on ( thank goodness ). The rest of the lags were a breeze and I hit every one. I literally hung from the pole after we had only three screws holding it.

I have had 30-40 mph gust the last week or so and no problems. I know some have worse weather but this seems to be as sturdy and the chimney itself. For those with a brick chimney I would think just adding the lead ancors in the mortor should work also.


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I dont know what stabilization struts are, I mean I know what they are but not in relation to a superdish. No its doesnt get to windy except when we have tornado's. :D
I wish you luck with the exposed DP-34 and bad weather. From the pictures you seem to have weather proof connectors but there is also 4 black plastic caps left exposed.
boba said:
I wish you luck with the exposed DP-34 and bad weather. From the pictures you seem to have weather proof connectors but there is also 4 black plastic caps left exposed.

Not as of Saturday they arent, they are all shrink wrapped. :D If you notice there are only 3 lag screws with a bunch of empty holes also. Its all fixed now the way it should be but I will take any other suggestions.
If you were in snow country I might understand better why you mounted it to the top of your chimney. Nothing personal, but I think a lot of installers think the higher the better - left over thought from OTA antenna installs. Your dish should have the same quality signal mounted a few feet lower. Probably not much difference in strength to worry about.

I see dishes mounted high up on the eaves that are just eyesores. They could be mounted lower and still get the same signal. My favorite "idiot mount" is 40ft off of the ground on a TV tower with no tree over 20ft tall in sight.

I didnt want it on the ground and it wouldnt have worked without a bulldozer anyhow. I live slap in the middle of nothing but woods. I thought about putting it on the chimney a lot lower but thought it might hit it when it was moved to get a signal. BTW I didnt put it there for the signal. When you turn off the dirt road to my house there are nothing but trees. No one has ever said what the hell is that on your roof because they dont even notice.

I only put these pictures on here for someone to get ideas. When everyone thought they were getting a superdish for HD alot of people were asking about chimey mounts ( including me ). Everybody kept saying they would not recommend it but it could be done. I did the best I could with the knowledge I have, which is not much. If you live up north with very windy conditions I dont know if it will work or not.

Is there anything that I did right?
Since you have alot of trees, the chimney might have been the only option.

Heck, my 4 dishes are on the roof of my house.....and I got a crystal clear view of the south...just the lake :)
Nice Pictures! Low is always the way to go with satellite, but the pictures show some great craftsmanship, very nice, thanks for posting them!

Iceberg! You just put your dish's way up there to make everyone jealous that you are watching free hockey : ) Good Luck, UMD!
Hey Bryan92,

I evidently praise the installation in my earlier post so I thought I'd chime back in and say that I think the installation itself looks great!

I only commented on the stablization struts because I live in a fairly windy area and from my experience it would be wobbling out of alignment on a regular basis without them.

My only preference, had I an installation like yours would be to install the switch either inside (at the point that the cables enter your house) if possible, or inside a protective weatherproof enclosure. I've been told that the SW34 is weatherproof, but I've done enough installations on my own to know that if the connections aren't of a high quality and weather-proof, there will be problems down the road.

Nice work though!

...and a nice looking chimney! ;)
PSB said:
Iceberg! You just put your dish's way up there to make everyone jealous that you are watching free hockey : ) Good Luck, UMD!

Nah...Since the Dish Network dish was on the roof (and its only one story to climb up on the roof from the deck), I decided to put all them on the roof. Much easier to run all the lines (all 8 lines).

The neighbor has his DirectTv dish up on his antenna tower, about 100 feet up.

and yes, I like my free hockey :):D
Now if UMD was on FTA, I'd even be wait....turn up Duluth locals and I'll be very happy :):):):):):)
I think it looks like a great install. The only thing I would have done is put that switch in the attic by the opening and went from there to the TV's. That way you keep it out of the waether and not have to worry about shrink wapping ans stuff like that.

Back in the day of the SW21 switched I use to screw them to the arm on the dish and then run the wires to the TV's.

Looks great.
Smith said:

what you using for fireplace - wood or gas ?

I use a wood insert. The pipe is only about a foot in diameter so behind the vinyl there's a lot of clearance. The installer suggested putting the switch inside but I didnt want the hastle of redoing the wires. After reading all these suggestions I am going to lowes this weekend and pick up a weather proof box and put the switch inside. Thanks for all the suggestions.

As to the grounding, yes as of last Saturday it is grounded.
Drip loops.

I would like to make the suggestion that you might want to put drip loops in you cables wherever they make a connection (switches, grounding blocks, etc.) and where they enter your house.

Basically you want to arrange the cables so water would have to run uphill to get at the areas most vulnerable to water leakage.
K R Kimmel said:
I would like to make the suggestion that you might want to put drip loops in you cables wherever they make a connection (switches, grounding blocks, etc.) and where they enter your house.

Basically you want to arrange the cables so water would have to run uphill to get at the areas most vulnerable to water leakage.

Noted, I will do that when I get back up there this weekend to put the box on.
Hey bryan92, do you happen to live in the Staesboro, GA. area ? And if so, Have you attempted to pick up any of the HD digital channels out of Savannah. I'm getting my 811 next week and am going to try an old Wineguard 2000 I had from a previos install. But was just wondering if you had any luck or tried yet.

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