SuperDish DishMover's Program?


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
Western WV
Does Dish Network not have a Dish Mover's program for those that have a SuperDish? What if someone has 5 or more receivers/tuners? Would Dish Network provide the extra DP-34 switch or charge extra for it?
I don't about them having a dishmovers program for SuperDish, since I require it for locals and they tell me they will come out and install a DISH500 and about a month later install the SuperDish when they have their supply replenished. Now they told me that since I have 5 receivers they will supply 2 DP34's. Now remember the DishMovers program is only free for the first 2 receiver. If you have 3 or more receivers then it is $50 for the install. But heck....for $50 thats not to bad of a deal.
In the retailer business rules it states that if a dish has to be upgraded within 90 days to a SuperDish if it was not originally installed that the retailer will be charged back all commissions. I do not know if this is the case for DishMover's or if it is just for new customers.

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