Superdish Question


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 11, 2003
Is that for HD only or what is it for? I haven't been paying attention to this stuff because I wasn't planning on moving. Now I have to catch up since I may get a DTV Tivo or 510 receiver and dish. Would the current Dish 500 suit me well?
SuperDish is gong to be used for HD, locals, international channels, broadband internet access, and possibly other things to be announced in the future.
So I won't probably ever need it since my locals probably will never be on.
What DMA do you live in? Dish may have all the DMA's in the future its just unknown when if that will happen. They still have many markets they want to launch in addition to those they are adding by the end of the year. Dont lose hope. They will have almost half of the DMA's up by the end of the year if nothing happens.

The SuperDish is also going to be used for internet in the future as well.
Well it looks like E* will add my locals so I should go with DTV since I'd prefer to have out of market ones. But if I go with E* would I need a Superdish to recieve locals?
Roger said:
Well it looks like E* will add my locals so I should go with DTV since I'd prefer to have out of market ones. But if I go with E* would I need a Superdish to recieve locals?
Nobody can give a plausible answer without first knowing in what DMA you live. If you don't want to give an exact location, how about the DMA (for example, I live in the Salt Lake City DMA but I do not live in Salt Lake City -- in fact, MOST of the state of Utah is in the SLC DMA)?
I guess it doesn't matter since I'm going to win the DBSForums raffle.:)

Help!! SuperDish questions again

5 new DMAs uplinked Wednesday

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