SuperDish Update

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
For those of you who were concerned about putting the SuperDISH on the side of your house, I have some good news, Dish Network will be releasing a special strut kit that will better support the SuperDISH on the Side of your house.

The Strut Kit will not be needed for most installs however for those that want piece of mind this kit will be available.

Expect the SuperDISH rollout to start in 2 weeks in those cities that have locals on 105. After this initial trial rollout the SuperDISH will be made available to the rest of the country.
Cyclone, I don't have an honest answer for you. But my figuring is if they can put a big 10 foot Dish on someones roof, then putting up a 36 inch Dish on a roof should not be that much of a problem. :)
Scott, is there a site that we can go to and see if Savannah is one of the city's on 105. I watched the chat a month or so ago and I seem to remember them listing this city as needing the Superdish.
Savannah is not yet uplinked to any Dish satellite. It was listed as a POSSIBLE local DMA addition some time between October 1 and the end of the year.

See and click on the local cities link int he programming window.

See ya
i live in columus ohio (city with 105 locals expected)

how can i get to be included in this test market?
i'm still not sure why people would get excited about Locals with Horrible PQ.
One reason for my excitement is I live in the woods ( deep,deep,deep fringe ) and a good 75 miles from Savannah and about the same or more from Augusta. My wife complains all the time about her T.V. in the kitchen compared to my smorgasbord in the den, see where I'm going here. The other reason is to be able to record things from Savannah that I'm either not home for ( football games, ect. ) or want to go to bed. I have a great antenna outside but the t.v in the kitchen and the bedroom is terrible.
Scott, What happened to the small superdish they showed on the last charlie chat(the 26 incher)
On the ekb site where it says.... Detailed state by state TV Market maps available .... that link does not work. Also It says that Charleston/Huntington, WV locals would be up June 30th -Sept 30th and that time has done past. It is also saying that Wood County (where Parkersburg, WV is located) is included in the same DMA when Wood County is in a different DMA.
Stargazer said:
On the ekb site where it says.... Detailed state by state TV Market maps available .... that link does not work.
It does for me... did you scroll on down the page and click the individual state name, e.g. West Virginia?
A_Pac said:
i live in columus ohio (city with 105 locals expected)

how can i get to be included in this test market?

It's not a test market, it's a planned addition to Dish Network's locals offering.

Dish made the decision to offer Columbus on the 105 satellite, thus Columbus has had to wait (and wait...) for the SuperDish rollout. I'm sure Dish has a method to their madness with spotbeams and suchlike, but it seems funny that it has taken them so long to add Columbus when they are higher in the DMA list (34th) than other cities that already have their locals. Example: Tulsa is 60th, locals since July, 2002 and Albuquerque-Santa Fe is 49th, locals since Nov, 2000.

Baltimore seems to be the highest market on the list still without locals at 23rd, so Columbus isn't alone in its waiting.

p.s. If Snoopy were a E* subscriber, would he be expecting the SupperDish?
Columbus was on a list to be carried in the past (before cinci I beleive) but WBNS the CBS affliate tried to shoehorn Charlie into carring their 24/7 Cable News Channel for the State "ONN" (Ohio News Network) which charlie declined and thus they overlooked Columbus for another market where the locals where willing to play fair.

I beleive thats the story why Columbus has taken so long to be added...

in other news..

WBNS at one point fought time warner also over ONN, I remeber when ONN first came out we where going to loose WBNS on Time warner because they refused to carry ONN on basic cable. Time warner ended up coming to an agreement with WBNS to add ONN to digital and thus no droppage of the CBS Affil for Columbus.
mattb said:
Columbus was on a list to be carried in the past (before cinci I beleive) but WBNS the CBS affliate tried to shoehorn Charlie into carring their 24/7 Cable News Channel for the State "ONN" (Ohio News Network) which charlie declined and thus they overlooked Columbus for another market where the locals where willing to play fair.

I understand completely... I'm very familiar with the 'Wolfe' games surrounding ONN. (Jerks!)
Are there any spot beams on 105? Seems like a waste adding local markets on conus beams.

I still feel that Dish's SD locals are going to become a waste of bandwidth once HD takes hold (the large city customers are going to end up with Cable or OTA Locals).

The only long term hope for Sat locals is a national HD feed with SD commercials/news inserted.
I think AMC-2 at 105 is going to be replaced in the Fall of 2004 with a new bird that will have Spot Beams.

Any suggestions on how to deal with E* poor customer service

VSSLL Communications??

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