

New Member
Original poster
Dec 29, 2003
hi guys, i have a quick question. i live in Long Island, New York and i was thinking of getting satellite service from dish cause i'm sick of cablevision's rate hikes. the reason i wanted to get a superdish is because some of the international channels that i want can be recieved by a superdish and i wouldnt need two individual dishes (one for american, other for international). i talked to dish and they recommended me getting a superdish. now my question is, how is the quality of that and does anyone that has a superdish live around me (so i could get a review). the main reason is because i read on some website that superdish has horrible reception and yadda yadda yadda so i was wondering if you guys could shed some light. :?: thanks :)
There are no internationals available to subscribers on the Superdish, just locals.. The internationals for the most part are on the wings at 61.5 (east coast) and 148 (west coast) and that will require a second dish beyond a dish 500 for the core programming at 110/119.

So to get internationals you would probally need two dishes depending on what programming you subscribe to
Remember the press release from the Spring stating that Dish would be adding 100 new Internation Channels?

Forget about it.

Internationals are about dead on Dish Network.

I am hearing a stong rumor that DirecTV is getting ready to announce a BUNCH of Internationals courtesy of the Shiek who just purchased Globecast.

Isn't it funny we havent heard the word International's in awhile. :)
Dish Network sees more of a profit in local channel additions with that bandwidth than international channels because they gain more new subscribers with local channel additions. Another thing, if they are not going to be so exclusive on having a wide range of international channel availabilty, seeing how DirecTv is getting a lot of locals in the future, this would cause Dish to not be as interested. Perhaps Dish wants to sell something DirecTv does not have to be able to have something that is more exclusive for their satellite system.
Stargazer said:
Dish Network sees more of a profit in local channel additions with that bandwidth than international channels because they gain more new subscribers with local channel additions. Another thing, if they are not going to be so exclusive on having a wide range of international channel availabilty, seeing how DirecTv is getting a lot of locals in the future, this would cause Dish to not be as interested. Perhaps Dish wants to sell something DirecTv does not have to be able to have something that is more exclusive for their satellite system.

Gee, could it really be?? Naw.. Charlie wouldn't go replacing international channels with HD channels, right?? Naw. T'would be nice though.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Isn't it funny we havent heard the word International's in awhile. :)
Didn't someone ask for German channels last chat?
Probably nothing compelling there either. :D

DaveO said:
Gee, could it really be?? Naw.. Charlie wouldn't go replacing international channels with HD channels, right?? Naw. T'would be nice though.
If internationals were on 110-119 it would make some sense. But for the price they charge for Internationals, they probably make more on them than on HD - especially with Internationals on a side slot out of the way of most E* customers.

Although it would be nice to have Internationals on ONE dish (such as D* is planning with 101-110-119) that bandwidth is better spent on other channels. E* may add a few more subs if they were on 110-119, but if it is a choice upgrading to a 105 or 121 FSS dish or a 61.5 or 148 DBS dish, the current DBS solution is much cleaner. Besides --- keeping Internationals on the wings makes it POSSIBLE to combine them with a 105 or 121 locals market.

For now, I'd plan on seeing 61.5 if I wanted Intenationals - but I'd keep a clear path to the 105-110-119-121 slots. As far as D* goes, notice what they are doing TODAY. It will take them a while to play catchup.


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