721 owners have switch recognition bug?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 15, 2003
Would like to know if any other 721 users are unable to get their 721 to work with 3 satellite setup as in:

legacy 500 twin and legacy 300 cascaded through two SW21s per instructions in manual.

This showed up after software update L112( if you do a switch check) and still present in L115.

Switch check INCORRECTLY identifies SW21 as SW42 EVEN though connected properly.

verified that this IS VALID 3 satellite setup with my old 2800.

BUT 721 which did correct switch check before L112 NOW will NOT allow
me to use 3 satellite setup.

I have reported this 3 times to advanced tech who agrees that this seems
to be a software issue.

Have some verification that other users are having this problem.(per other board's forum)

(oh yes this is my 2nd 721 receiver (1st had tuner go out) and it HAS the
SAME switch recognition problem.)

UPDATE after a month of trying to get the "software team" to get back with me and say " hey you are right , the 721 will no longer work with the twin/dual cascaded sw21s like in the manual. (with no luck)
I talked with a "supervisor" got "some" satisfaction.
They are sending me a SW64 and 2 duals to change my system setup SO
my 721 WILL be able to use a 3 sat setup.
(after much "dickering" , I got the price of the parts down to $49)
I really should have got them free, but at this point I was willing to pay that to get this resolved.
It most likely will be a long time (if ever) before they "fix" the software to run my original setup. So my suggestion to anyone having this issue is go to the SW64 setup.
Not really related to your problem, but I had a problem getting my 721 to recognize the DishPro Quad when I first got it. I had to hook it up to a non-Pro LNB and do a software update to get it to work.

I now return you all to the original point of the thread... :)
But once you go DishPro it wont let you go back to Legacy, at least thats the way it used to be, but dont know if they have fixed that problem yet with the 721. Even if you clear the matrix and try to do a check switch it wouldnt let you.
Same problem - Anyone got it to work?

Got a replacement 721 for one that had a failing disk. Twin lnb 500 and dual lnb 300 cascaded with sw21's. Switch check with 116 software says I got sw42 switches. Old receiver indicated sw21's until I ran a switch check (hadn't run it in a while). It then stated I had sw42's. Dish support says that the configuration is supported and that no one else has reported the problem. Tech says that it probably is a connection problem, even though I was able to view all the satellites with excellent signal strength before swapping it out for the new receiver. He also said to test the hardware. How do you convince them that it is good? Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Same problem - Anyone got it to work?

kriv said:
Got a replacement 721 for one that had a failing disk. Twin lnb 500 and dual lnb 300 cascaded with sw21's. Switch check with 116 software says I got sw42 switches. Old receiver indicated sw21's until I ran a switch check (hadn't run it in a while). It then stated I had sw42's. Dish support says that the configuration is supported and that no one else has reported the problem. Tech says that it probably is a connection problem, even though I was able to view all the satellites with excellent signal strength before swapping it out for the new receiver. He also said to test the hardware. How do you convince them that it is good? Any help would be appreciated.

TALK TO ADVANCED TECH AND TELL THEM THAT YOU HAVE VERIFCATION (from forums of other 721 owners) that THIS is A software problem with the 721.

See my update above as to what I did to resolve.( had to go to SW64 setup)

Can anyone make use of some Clubdish Cards?


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