Tech Forum - Monday, November 13 9pm EST


DVR Addict~Mad Scientist
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 16, 2004
Satsuma, AL
Just saw Leslie on a Tech Forum ad. The special guest this time is Blake Krikorian, co-founder and CEO of Sling Media, featuring the Slingbox.

I wonder what interesting technical stuff they will have for us. I predict:
- Interactive Weather
- Archive function on ViP622 with select Echostar branded drives and monthly $4.99 Archive Access Fee
- Implementation of ethernet port with monthly $4.99 IP Address Fee
How about if they take a minute and address the outstanding bug that Dish created with owners of the DVR 5## series boxes where timers do not fire after the latest software "upgrade". Wow what a mess they created with the latest software release!
I wish they'd release a solution to control TV2 with the sling (custom ir blaster codes for TV2)... I have the slingbox pro and i love it. Someone should ask the CEO of sling about that and when the HD connect cable will be shipped to us!

Actually I just sent him an email asking him to bring up lack of control for TV to E* techs. I hope I get a response!
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I predict:
- Interactive Weather
- Archive function on ViP622 with select Echostar branded drives and monthly $4.99 Archive Access Fee
- Implementation of ethernet port with monthly $4.99 IP Address Fee

I might consider the activation of the ethernet port newsworthy, if I knew the net impact to enabling it :)

And, count me among the disappointed if Dish intends on nickel and diming with fees such as those suggested above. Suprised? Probably not, but still disappointed.
I dont see them charging for Ethernet as the ethernet port will be mainly used to generatre additional revenue for Dish in the form of VOD PPV and Events.

They are going to WANT you to plug it in not avoid it because of another BS fee.
I think a good workaround for TV2 control would be to enable the ethernet port and install a web server to control the DVR. though if they are working on a way to control TV2 with my slingbox that would make me very happy (also the release of the HD dongle from Sling would be nice too!)

Scott, I take you heard this from a reliable source?
I dont see them charging for Ethernet as the ethernet port will be mainly used to generatre additional revenue for Dish in the form of VOD PPV and Events.

They are going to WANT you to plug it in not avoid it because of another BS fee.
Similar to the fee for not subscribing to HD with a HD compatible box, they will probably have a $4.99 fee if you do not use the ethernet port!
Then to save the $4.99, you'll have to get DirecTV satellite internet.:D
Ethernet port fee! Just what we need another monthly fee. Dish is getting rich on monthly fees. And people complain about TiVo fees.
Is this the show where people can call in and ask questions? If so, here is a short list to think about:

Where are the RSN's in HD?
InHD happening any time soon/at all?
Where are the RSN's in HD?
NBATV Games in HD this year?
Where are the RSN's in HD?
VS NHL Games in HD this year?
Where are the RSN's in HD?
External Storage capablity for the ViP622?
Where are the RSN's in HD?

I think that's it...oh yea one more...Where are the RSN's in HD?
I'll never waste another hour watching these worthless ramblings and lies. On the last one they said the infamous "very soon" about the Fox RSN's.

WOW am I mad...

HDMI question

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