The return of sub-channel ota epg???

You should be getting 45-1 based on what I said in my previous post. 45-1 is, as you know, the digital simulcast of analog 45. 45-2 is MyTV and it's guide data showed up unrelated to the virtual channel guide data that Dayton rec'd a couple of weeks ago.

FWIW, I get data for 45-1 and 45-2.

I do not get Dayton locals (I get Cincinnati locals) via Dish so they do not provide me the "main" channel data. For 2 and 7 I also only get "Digital Service". Hopefully when I finally install an antenna on the roof I will be able to pull in 16 and 26 as well.

See ya
How long have you had the sub-channel info? I know in some spots (LA, for example) they've had them for awhile. Did they remove ALL the ones they added last month, or just most of them?

I really do not know when they came up. I only got my 622 a month ago and it was there. See and go to the virtual channels chart to see what is available.

See ya