Transcoder problem


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Original poster
Feb 28, 2004
I just purchased an Audio Authority transcoder to hook up the 811 receiver to a Proscan HDTV that has HD15 input. The transcoder, 9A62, says it will take a component video output and convert it to VGA without changing the signal. My problem is that the picture looks like the horizontal is way off and there's no way to adjust it. It's also pretty dark. I was able to connect with my old 6000 unit and HD15 both ways and it worked great. Is there any way to adjust the transcoder or could it possibly be defective? If not, then the 811 will be history.
Not sure if this helps.

I *think* i remember reading that the DVI port on the back of th 811 carries both analog and digital signals. (i.e. a DVI-I port).

I just checked the DISH webiste and the specsheet says DVI-D (i.e. digital only).

I'll try this tonight with a DVI-VGA cable i have like this one:

Will let you know, but if the back of the device can already drive analog, it might save a few bucks (and some hassle).
I'm pretty sure that the 811 is DVI-D.

But here's a thought... Instead of a transcoder, put the money towards a 921 (which has DVI-I).
jbadallas - Have you thought of or tried using a VGA-RGB adapter from the component output of the 811?

No guarantees. But, that works with the majority of LCD projectors I work with. (Not 811 specifically, but other component signals.) Plus, no conversion, which really only looks good when using high-quality/expensive converters.

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