Dish 921 : How do I get one? Newbie and not a DISH subscriber yet


New Member
Original poster
Mar 1, 2004
First, let me apologize if this thread has been covered. I've looked, but I can't find the answer. I would like to subscribe to DISH and order the 921. I realize they are not available at this time.

My question:

If you were not a DISH subscriber what would your recommend if:

1) I just purchased a 50" Fujitsu plasma and would like more HD programming than my Samsung OTA box allows (just local networks).

2) I would like to have the PVR capability

3) I would like to subscribe to the DISH HD programming

4) I can order dish service with the 811, but I won't be able to have the PVR capabilities.

Should I wait and depend on my local dealers to find me a 921 when they come available, or get on a waiting list for the 911 and wait, or just order the 811 now, and get the 921 when it it available (sounds expensive).

Any advice would be appreciated.


well as for the money part 1000 is a bit high but it an all in one soultion for hdtv ota and pvr as for waiting um your local dealers may or may not get one anytime soon i beleve its the same for direct when they start shipping as for me im shelling out the money for the 921 when it ships i know new costomer get it for 700 so its not too bad
Congrats on the Fujitsu 50!! I have one, too, and as you've probably already seen it's an awesome display. You are gonna love it!
As far as the 921 is concerned, join the line, be prepared to wait and suffer. Meanwhile, keep checking this forum and you'll know as soon as it's available how to obtain one. Maybe by then E* will find some compelling HD programming to share with us since their current dearth of offerings is nothing to yearn for.
diverace said:
First, let me apologize if this thread has been covered. I've looked, but I can't find the answer. I would like to subscribe to DISH and order the 921. I realize they are not available at this time.

My question:

If you were not a DISH subscriber what would your recommend if:

1) I just purchased a 50" Fujitsu plasma and would like more HD programming than my Samsung OTA box allows (just local networks).

2) I would like to have the PVR capability

3) I would like to subscribe to the DISH HD programming

4) I can order dish service with the 811, but I won't be able to have the PVR capabilities.

Should I wait and depend on my local dealers to find me a 921 when they come available, or get on a waiting list for the 911 and wait, or just order the 811 now, and get the 921 when it it available (sounds expensive).

Any advice would be appreciated.



I had the same wants for the HD programming - and I've found the 921 to be a decent value considering what it would take to get non-OTA channels in HD, and to use DVR with each of them.

I asked about the 921 with some local dealers in November and December. They put me on a wait list and I got a 921 in early Jan.
Wait for the 921. There was a shipping hold put on them for a while.

You can probably find one at EBay if you can't wait, or there may be a few independent retailers who may have one. Sears will eventually have them (They are listed on the website but have not sold any yet as far as I am aware)

It is a pricey box, but being able to record HD is WORTH it. Eventually, I plan on adding a rooftop antenna to get the OTA HD channels which will then be icing on the cake for me.....
Here's a question then... if you buy a 921 someplace like Ebay, what do you do to get the rest of the equipment/service? Just take Dish up on one of their deals, and then tell them you already have a 921 purchased seperately?
Have them install the rest of the service on one of their lease deals if you don't want to do the upfront money and then add the 921 as an additional receiver (but specify the 921 as your primary receiver so any primary receiver PPVs go to that receiver instead of the vanilla receier the default installation would make as the primary unit)
Ok, thanks. Do I need a specific deal to make sure that I get a dish that is compatible? Ie do I need to order HD service to make sure? I assume the answer is yes.
Any E* dish supplied and installed by an E* retailer in 2004 will work with the 921 whether it be a Dish500 or a Superdish (Superdish is only needed right now if they have your local channels there. There are rumors of future program shifts of international channels and some other channels that may require you to get the Superdish, but nohing concrete yet) Just make sure you are not in one of the four corners of the US as they have trouble with Superdish reception right now (oops satellite powered footprint wasn't sufficient enough for ME, CA, FL, and WA and a few other areas at the borders)
BobMurdoch said:
Have them install the rest of the service on one of their lease deals if you don't want to do the upfront money and then add the 921 as an additional receiver (but specify the 921 as your primary receiver so any primary receiver PPVs go to that receiver instead of the vanilla receier the default installation would make as the primary unit)

The 921 would have to be activated as an additional receiver. The installation, equipment reimbursement, and activation incentives are tied to the primary receiver. All of the leased receivers would have to be activated on the account first before the 921 could be added on.
Good lord... the 921 on Ebay is now priced at $1800 BIN. I'm all for someone making a buck, but if anyone actually paid that I almost feel sorry for them.


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