trouble linking to a satellite


Original poster
Oct 27, 2011
Hello guys. I am trying to take a dish to a tailgate. I've looked around the forum in an attempt to not start a duplicate thread. I have found a lot of useful info but unfortunately wasn't able to find an answer that fixes my issues.
With that being said I guess ill give you all as much info as I can. At home i have a dish turbo satellite with 2 VIP222k receivers. For the tailgate I'm hoping to use 1 of the VIP222k receivers with a dish pro 500 with a quad lnb.
I was attempting to give the set up a trial run with no success. The 500 dish is hooked up to the receiver through the splitter on the back just as the turbo dish was. on the dish it is hooked up on just 1 jack on the 119 side. I have the dish pointing at 119. At least I believe I do. When I ran the check switch a screen comes up stating currently doing test on input 1 (2 tests) and on input 2 (38 tests). Once its finished I got a warning screen about loosing satellites. I saved it. Nothing worked. Now when I run the check switch test I get a warning that says 1 of the satellite inputs or switches is not connected.
On the installation summary screen it says under sat input 1:
Port: 1 2
Sat: conn Conn
Trans: x X
Device: quad quad
Status: reception error
Switch: dp quad
Sat input 2
Port 1
Sat: x
Trans: x
Status: reception verified
Switch: none
Sorry I know that's long I was just hoping to answer any question ahead of time. I've been messing with it all day. It's now 2 am so I apologize if im not making any sense. I really appreciate any help. I have several friends who were going to the game until I assured them I could get this to work
Oh one more thing. My set up is temp so I just did it in my yard. There is a tree kind of in the way of 119. I couldn't move it too far due to length of cord. Could it be just as simple as getting a clearer shot at the satellite. Oh my zip code is 37865. Just in case someone asks
Remove the seperator from the receiver and run two lines from the dish to the sat inputs. Other than pointing the dish, you're all set then
Ok I've hooked two cables on to the 119 side of the dish. Both r going into the back of the dish. Nothing has changed. I'm 90% sure the dish is pointing at 119. I ran the check switch and it ended with the exact same results. What am I doing wrong now. And thanks for your help
Press menu 6,1,1 and put sat to 119 transponder 19 or 21 and then move dish from side to side (SLOWLY) until you find the 119 sat (make sure you are plumb on the mast and the skew and elevation are set right). Make small adjustments until the signal is as high as you can get it. Then run switch test.

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