True Blood annoyance

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I think you're overreacting a little bit and making many assumptions.

For one, not everyone who has HBO has a DVR and/or HBO on demand. Their on demand service isn't available on D* (I can't speak for E*) so that isn't a practical solution. Also, they want the biggest audience possible in one place, and that would be showing it during the regularly scheduled time. Not every watcher of True Blood is savvy enough to go searching around their guide finding replays of the shows. They're catering to the masses, which would be stupid, routine-driven, non-tech-savvy watchers.

I do agree that Lucky Louie should not have been cancelled. It could have sparked a revolution of dirty, hilarious sit-coms, and instead will be viewed as an example of what NOT to do by network executives..
OK, but you've made your point. HBO sucks and has done you a great wrong.

The whole point of this site is to discuss cable and satellite channels and programming. I was opening a dialogue by starting the thread is all. It is fine to either agree or disagree but there is no reason for somebody to tell me I have "no life" in this thread. That is just downright rude. That person has about triple the number of posts to this website as I do so perhaps he is the one with no life. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you should personally attack somebody that does. That person should define "having a life." I don't like golfing or fishing but I sure don't look down on people who do those hobbies as having no life or leading pathetic lives.

For all this guy knows I am paralyzed from the neck down and in a wheelchair and maybe TV is my life. Maybe TV adds to my quality of life that I wouldn't otherwise enjoy. When you know nothing about somebody it is very rude to make such a comment that "you have no life." It is actually kind of sick.

As far as HBO, I am not saying they suck, merely pointing out something that was done that is not typically done with HBO. Why attack me for not liking it?
Wow.... thanks. I start a thread to vent about something many are angry about and some d-bag is telling me I have "no life."
Because when you vent about nothing, you cause people to ignore venting about something of actual importance:
The Boy Who Cried Wolf, also known as The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf, is a fable attributed to Aesop (210 in Perry's numbering system). The protagonist of the fable is a bored shepherd boy who entertained himself by calling out "Wolf!". Nearby villagers who came to his rescue found that the alarms were false and that they had wasted their time. When the boy was actually confronted by a wolf, the villagers did not believe his cries for help and the wolf ate the flock (and in some versions the boy).
I think you're overreacting a little bit and making many assumptions.

Well, I am pointing out that this is not typical behavior of HBO to skip a week. They just don't do it normally. I am calling them out on it. If you think it is an overreaction that is fine. I've read a lot of things on this site where I thought somebody was overreacting.

Many of you are misunderstanding me. it isn't the end of the world that they did this. I was merely pointing it out, looking for feedback of other opinions, and hoping that this is not a new trend for the channel. Things like not having HD HBO On Demand is a great example of them being out of touch with the consumer. They say it is to prevent copyright theft of the material because of the analog hole (even though there is Cinemax HD on Demand and Showtime and Starz air their original programming On Demand in HD). If somebody wanted to record True Blood for their own purposes or to distribute, they could record the HD version of the show when it airs on HBO HD. They don't need HBO HD ON DEMAND to record it and illegally distribute copies. It just shows that they are out of touch.

For one, not everyone who has HBO has a DVR and/or HBO on demand. Their on demand service isn't available on D* (I can't speak for E*) so that isn't a practical solution.

No, HBO On Demand isn't available on DirecTV, but they do have DVRs and all their promotions push a free DVR. Let's assume a DirecTV subscriber does not have the DVR. They do have multichannels that air the show again and again throughout the week. They could always air this weeks episode again next week one hour before they air the new show for those FEW that missed it by all means available to them.

Also, they want the biggest audience possible in one place, and that would be showing it during the regularly scheduled time.

They never concerned themselves with this before. Airing Carnivale during Superbowl Sunday and Sopranos a couple days off from Thanksgiving before DVRs would have meant many viewers wouldn't see the show at the regular time. Those viewers managed to catch the repeats just fine if the wanted to. There is always going to be a small percentage of the viewers on vacation during any given episode. They manage to catch it when they can. Why should that be any different now?

.....the masses, which would be stupid, routine-driven, non-tech-savvy watchers.

Well, I agree with you 100% on this

I do agree that Lucky Louie should not have been cancelled. It could have sparked a revolution of dirty, hilarious sit-coms, and instead will be viewed as an example of what NOT to do by network executives..

Canceling this show really pissed off a lot of people. Everybody that watched it loved it (or they didn't watch). They should have been promoting it to get more viewers to know about it, not cancel it!

I also really enjoyed Carnivale. I never said they canceled it mid-season like another poster suggested I said. I said they canceled it prematurely. There was plenty of story to tell that could have been done over a few more seasons. They knew they were coming to an end so it lost its magic during the last shows of season 2. It ended poorly like so many shows that are canceled. If contracts were renewed they would have left the story hanging for season 3 instead of rushing to an end that wasn't good. Just my opinion.
Because when you vent about nothing, you cause people to ignore venting about something of actual importance:

That is your opinion. A lot of people are mad about this. I'm sure if I reviewed your posts I would find something that held no importance to me. I'm not a Nascar watcher. If you were and I read your complaint about them canceling a race or something or a blackout of the race, I wouldn't bother posting. I certainly wouldn't tell you that you had no life because you were discussing a topic that didn't hold my interest. Go be rude in another thread. If you have no interest in True Blood or HBO bumping the show a week and thing it is nothing, then just go away. Why post? There is no need for your rude comments here.
The fact that you have made eleven posts in this thread says to me, you are overly obsessed, and some of us just can not understand why you feel compelled to spend so much time, emotion and verbiage over a TV show about Vampires that did not air ONE week. It's something I could never get in a sweat over.
I wish they would have aired True Blood last week. I'm not nearly as upset about it as the OP. Having said that, you guys are being waaaayyy too harsh on him. The mockery and personal attacks are pretty uncalled for. :(
I wish they would have aired True Blood last week. I'm not nearly as upset about it as the OP. Having said that, you guys are being waaaayyy too harsh on him. The mockery and personal attacks are pretty uncalled for. :(

There has been a lot of those attacks lately. This used to be a nice place to express your opinions without worry about being slammed by not one, but many of the fellow members here. It is like cyber bullying and I wish that the moderator would discourage such personal attacks. I sometimes think I went back to the "pitt" forum , but that can't be, right? Didn't Scott G. close that pitt because of all the personal attacks and fights online?
The fact that you have made eleven posts in this thread says to me, you are overly obsessed, and some of us just can not understand why you feel compelled to spend so much time, emotion and verbiage over a TV show about Vampires that did not air ONE week. It's something I could never get in a sweat over.

Dude... one post, eleven, or fifty.... what difference does it make? I work on a computer, I also involve myself in forums over topics I enjoy. This includes TV, among many other things. I have email notification turned on and receive an email when somebody responds to something I turned email notification on for. it isn't like I am sitting here obsessively reloading the page.

Verbiage.... ha... I am also very fast at typing and pouring thoughts out. It isn't like I am sitting here for forty five minutes responding to a post. I can whip out a few pages of thoughts in like ten or fifteen minutes, faster than many people process thoughts and talk. It isn't a big deal.

"A TV show about vampires." OK, so it is just a TV show. Actually, while I like True Blood, I certainly don't put it up there as my favorite show. Like I said earlier, other than movies and documentaries, it is the only original show I watch on HBO right now. I think most of you are misunderstanding me. it isn't as if I got all upset and cried about the show not being on. Yes, it overly annoyed me. it is like the sign in the middle of nowhere posting a 25 MPH speed limit. The road is straight and there are no houses around and I just get annoyed, "why are they doing this?" While I enjoy True Blood, I do not lose sleep over it or even look forward to it that much. It is good but not great. Heck, I had season one sitting on my DVR for months before I even watched it and only watched it a couple months ago for the first time while ironing a mountain of laundry and enjoyed the show. So I decided to watch this season each week rather than wait for the season to finish and sit on my DVR, only to have week 4 skipped for a holiday.

The idea that HBO is going to start skipping weeks (which they don't normally do) of a show during holidays is more annoying to me emotionally than my actual liking of this show. So I started a thread. It annoys me.

Now, if my favorite show Breaking Bad was canceled or AMC bumped it I would be very upset. That is a show I actually devote a lot of time into message boards over discussing and enjoy very much. True Blood is OK in my book, that is all. It isn't like I have to see it. I have other items on the DVR. I guess my point was totally missed by some. I was just opening a dialogue. No biggie. I just don't like being told I have "no life." That is very rude and disrespectful. is for the most part full of adults, not bomb throwers and trolls. Fanboys yes, but those other two no, not too often.

So, keep it up.... 11 posts may very well turn into 22 or 50. I'm not going out of my way to respond here. I'm on my computer by virtue of my line of work anyway.
There has been a lot of those attacks lately. This used to be a nice place to express your opinions without worry about being slammed by not one, but many of the fellow members here.
Opinions are nonsense.
The media is involved in an orgy of pandering to people's ego by telling them that their opinion means something, even when it doesn't.
When you are having surgery, does my opinion or Scott's opinion matter about where the scalpel should be put ? No.
And the example holds for all other opinions.
"You have a right to your opinion" is a myth.
It's a myth that has been promulgated by the media, because it helps them to make money.
"Free Speech" and "opinions" are not the same thing.
Opinions are nonsense.
The media is involved in an orgy of pandering to people's ego by telling them that their opinion means something, even when it doesn't.
When you are having surgery, does my opinion or Scott's opinion matter about where the scalpel should be put ? No.
And the example holds for all other opinions.
"You have a right to your opinion" is a myth.
It's a myth that has been promulgated by the media, because it helps them to make money.
"Free Speech" and "opinions" are not the same thing.

Why don't you take your crazy talk to another thread. Whether you are joking or not doesn't matter, you sound nuts and are now way off topic. This is about True Blood, not your tough talk about is wrong with humanity.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, yes. Even the lonely guy in cell 26E in the prison is entitled to his opinion. What we are not entitled to are other people's hard earned dollars by means of handouts, which is truly what is wrong with humanity, not "opinions."

Get out of here with your nonsense ,firestarter!
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