TV Converter Box Coupons Start Flowing Again


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NEW YORK (AP) -- The agency that mails out coupons for digital TV converter boxes expects to eliminate its wait list in two and a half weeks, an official said Thursday.
Helped by $650 million from the economic stimulus package, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration has started to mail out coupons to the 2.3 million households on the wait list, said Bernadette McGuire-Rivera, associate administrator of the Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications.
Source & More: APonline
Wow, the foot-draggers that caused the delay in implementing full power digital are now getting their coupons! I'm all a twitter! Let's get on with it. Not a single station in my area went full digital in Feb., except PBS. They're all delaying until June. :mad:
well its about time!i was ready as soon as i found coupon,box,new antenna,dvr.then feb.17 delay great! wifes had it too.all but two stations went digital.come on get on with it,are some people still living in the stone age.thanks have a great day