Sean Mota said:
Mike, it is strange but I saw some highlights this am and yesterday on HDnews of the US Golf Open and they were HD. Is NBC doing some parts in HD or ESPN-HD?
Whoa, I need to watch HDnews more often!
I am not aware of any HD coverage. HDTV Magazine, which usually (but not always) seems to know, did not list it in HD, either on ESPN yesterday and today, or on NBC over the weekend. And it definitely was not HD on ESPN last night.
Coverage of golf tournaments normally uses shared cameras -- one of the networks sets up the cameras for their weekend coverage, and they make a deal with the cable network doing the Thursday/Friday coverage to let them use the same cameras. Its the only thing that makes sense because it takes dozens of cameras to cover a tournament -- 18 tee boxes, 18 greens, cameras on towers and in the blimp, handheld cameras being carried down the fairways, etc. So I would be surprised if NBC is not using the same cameras that ESPN has been using.
But as you know, broadcasters do not always do a great job of publicizing these things, so its possible that NBC will surprise us. I don't know why, if NBC had HD cameras set up, ESPN would not use them for its weekday coverage -- but then they don't always seem logical do they??
ESPN is doing most of the weekday coverage, but NBC will pick up for a few hours this afternoon. I will not be able to get to an HDTV to see it unfortunately, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see.
I wonder if maybe HDNews sent its own cameras out there to cover it? Did the HDNews coverage actually show players making shots, or was it just interviews with players, etc.? Esepcially if it was the latter, I could easily believe that HDNews sent its own camera crew out to the Hamptons to get some footage.