Those are my two choices as my condo does not face the southern sky
TW has a $75/mo for 2 years TV and internet contract price, and supposedly has free HD., UVerse is around $67 for just the TV w/ free dvr (which I doubt I'd use) (+ $10 for hD), but no contract, and a $200 visa card cashback. There is a lower ATT TV tier for $55 a month w/o the DVR (and without VERSUS), but no cash back
Both have the basic channels that I desire..I haven't had cable in a long time, we've had directv for many years at my parents place. Uverse has a better sports pack, but its $10/mo, while cable's sports tier is only $5/mo (and includes MLB Net, as well as offering NHL CI, NBA LP and MLB EI if I ever feel so inclined again).
Cable seems like a really good deal, I can get locked in at a low price for 2 years. Is PQ significantly better on the AT&T? I assume that cable modem is faster than the AT&T UVerse DSL.
With AT&T, I get access to ESPN360 which gives me all the espn fullcourt and gameplan games for free on the computer, don't know how much I'd utilize that or if Time Warner even offers that too.

TW has a $75/mo for 2 years TV and internet contract price, and supposedly has free HD., UVerse is around $67 for just the TV w/ free dvr (which I doubt I'd use) (+ $10 for hD), but no contract, and a $200 visa card cashback. There is a lower ATT TV tier for $55 a month w/o the DVR (and without VERSUS), but no cash back
Both have the basic channels that I desire..I haven't had cable in a long time, we've had directv for many years at my parents place. Uverse has a better sports pack, but its $10/mo, while cable's sports tier is only $5/mo (and includes MLB Net, as well as offering NHL CI, NBA LP and MLB EI if I ever feel so inclined again).
Cable seems like a really good deal, I can get locked in at a low price for 2 years. Is PQ significantly better on the AT&T? I assume that cable modem is faster than the AT&T UVerse DSL.
With AT&T, I get access to ESPN360 which gives me all the espn fullcourt and gameplan games for free on the computer, don't know how much I'd utilize that or if Time Warner even offers that too.