Undisputed Back to Back Championships in HD in VOOM ONLY

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
I am opening this thread. It's about 7pm eastern time and the event will start at 8pm eastern time.

This event is exclusively shown in High Definition (HD) 1080i DD5.1 on channel 281 in VOOM. To get it, you need to call customer service at 1-800-get-VOOM to authorize your account. There is no charge for this event! Yes, you heard correctly --no charge and no hidden charges either. So call now if you have not.

If you want to comment about the event, let us know your location and your comments about the event. You may comment about

(1) Picture Quality
(2) Audio Quality
(3) Any problems with Picture such as pixelation
(4) If there are SD cameras used.
(5) The Event itself. Is it entertaining or is it boring?
(6) Any problems that you might have in not getting a reception?
(7) Did you lose signal or audio during the event?
(8 ) Anything else that you might experience

So we are 56 minutes away from this EVENT---Enjoy it!!

HD cameras for both fighters from the locker room but as they were making their way into the ring the closeup shots showed artifacts and out of focus. No SD cameras so far.
First fight is over! That was quick. Rangel vs Judah. There is something wrong with the side cameras. The shots look out of focus when it centers on the fighters.
Tell you what this was produced at a very high level. Training sessions were shot in HD, interviews were shot in HD, HD cameras in the locker room, HD cameras as fighters are coming to the ring. The logos say king vision production and I wonder whether is Don king's or VOOM providing the HD equipment.
Some pics... Will take more but my battery just went dead...

The sound drop happened with the pixelation in my receiver...


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Just thought I would let you know. I didn't order the Boxing event or anything but I am recieving it in all its HD glory. :) I don't even have a phoneline connected to my box yet.

Oh, and great job VOOM!!!
More pics... Great fight so far...


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Ultra-HD: Full Frontal Fashion New York

Have you seen Mr. Magoo on Animania-HD?

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