
Original poster
Sep 24, 2011
Have to make a post??
Been lurking here a long time and this is a great place for Dish info/help.
Anyway can you use a USB hub w/ the 722K? Does it need to be powered?
Yes it NEEDS to be powered, but works very well if you do it. I have an EHD, Sling Adapter, and Wireless Dongle all on the same USB port.
If you are just using it to feed from several EHDs, it does not need to be powered.
Only one EHD can be powered on at a time. Power is needed for any bus-powered EHD.
Thanks for the info.
I was pretty sure it needed to be powered. Just got my Sling Adap and don't like using the front plug. Have an HD on the back one.
Sling works good on my Droid but the pc isn't so great. Audio is out of sync and picture stutters sometimes. Using Firefox. I have plenty of bandwidth. Oh well.
Hope I get my rebate or this will be a c-note down the drain!
My hub is not powered. I have Sling Adaptor plugged into it and two powered WD EHDs. Like Ken said, only one EHD can be powered up at a time.

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