Use old DSR522 for non-DISH recording


New Member
Original poster
Aug 4, 2008
I have an old DSR522. I do not have DISH service nor am I looking to get DISH service. Am I able to use this DSR as a DVR hooked up to OTA or a different cable feed? The bos turns on, and I see old shows still on it (which I can watch). But I am unable to see any signal from non-DISH source pass through to the TV screen. Should I be able to so this and if so, what connections or even system reset may be needed?
522 only accepts signal input from satellite sources, there is no way to input the programming, even if it could record it.
Got it - thanks!

Jim5506 and osu1991;
Thank you both for responding!
The whole story is that I had Dish for several years and then cancelled it. They told me I'd need to package the DVR and parcel it back to them at my expense. I explained that that would not be happening. The DVR would most definitely be ready for pick-up by one of their guys at a mutually acceptable time. Once they understood what I was saying, they then said they would send a box with RMA - parcel expense covered by them. I said I was OK with that solution. I never received any box from them and that was over a year ago. Somebody realized that they didn't want to pay $20 to get an old box back just to send it to recycle anyway.
Thanks again.
Jim5506 and osu1991;
Thank you both for responding!
The whole story is that I had Dish for several years and then cancelled it. They told me I'd need to package the DVR and parcel it back to them at my expense. I explained that that would not be happening. The DVR would most definitely be ready for pick-up by one of their guys at a mutually acceptable time. Once they understood what I was saying, they then said they would send a box with RMA - parcel expense covered by them. I said I was OK with that solution. I never received any box from them and that was over a year ago. Somebody realized that they didn't want to pay $20 to get an old box back just to send it to recycle anyway.
Thanks again.

If it's a leased receiver, we do want it back. If you'd like, send me a PM with your phone number and account number and I'll gladly set up the return order for you. If you don't know the phone number or account number, the receiver number on the back of the unit will be fine (starts with R00----------)
Jim5506 and osu1991;
Thank you both for responding!
The whole story is that I had Dish for several years and then cancelled it. They told me I'd need to package the DVR and parcel it back to them at my expense. I explained that that would not be happening. The DVR would most definitely be ready for pick-up by one of their guys at a mutually acceptable time. Once they understood what I was saying, they then said they would send a box with RMA - parcel expense covered by them. I said I was OK with that solution. I never received any box from them and that was over a year ago. Somebody realized that they didn't want to pay $20 to get an old box back just to send it to recycle anyway.
Thanks again.

If you dont want to have your credit tarnished with a huge bill owed to Dish Network I would suggest getting that back to them.

Thinking of a switch to Dish, but got some questions..

Ccricket migration

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