On the VIP 922 I am only using one TV and want the remote #1 to be used in the UHF mode, can this be done? The remote is 32.0 UHF 2G. Thanks for any help, I will be installing later today.
The 922 and 32.0 are both UHF by default. In order to use an IR remote on the 922 you must go into the menu and turn on the IR receiver. The 32.0 uses UHF for the 922 and IR for everything else. I don't think the 32.0 even has an IR function for the 922.
I use a 722 IR remote for TV1 and the 32.0 922 remote for TV2. Switch the tab on the 32.0 over to the 2 side, use menu to enable IR and use the receiver to acknowledge the 722 remote. Works great, however, extending the UHF antenna is not so easy as the threads are not the same as coax fittings.