ViP622 DVR question


New Member
Original poster
Sep 26, 2006
First post here! Looking for some help with my 622 DVR. I'm sure this is something easy but I need to record something tomorrow and wanna be ready for it, maybe someone can help me. Just got my Dish installed this past wknd. The other day I created a manual timer to record an OTA local channel from my antenna. While recording it wouldn't allow me to change the channel from the one I was recording, which basically defeats the purpose if I wanna record a show at the same time another is airing so I can see both.

I could've swore I had recorded before and was able to move between channels without issue. Was it because it was an OTA local? Would the fact there is no program information in the guide since I"m not paying for locals effect that? Which BTW, I can't put into words how completely rediculous it is they try to force you into paying $5/mo for locals when you have your own antenna just for program info. If you have any advice on this I"d love to know before tomorrow night so I can make sure I don't miss anything.

phantom268 said:
The other day I created a manual timer to record an OTA local channel from my antenna. While recording it wouldn't allow me to change the channel from the one I was recording...
I'm guessing you tried to change channels from one OTA channel to another OTA channel. If so, it won't let you (it will warn you first though). If you're recording something OTA, you can only tune to satellite channels during the recording as it's only got (1) OTA tuner. Try it right now as a test... Start recording an OTA channel. When it started, hit "101" on your remote. It will change to that channel with no problem.
Hmmm. Well that kinda stinks haha. I guess there goes my plan to record The Office while I watch Smallville tomorrow night haha. That's probably what I was doing thanks for the tip.
$5/mo will solve that "problem". If your locals are available in HD, via satellite (only major cities at this point), it's probably worth it. There's one or two nights where we've got shows at the same time we want to record and have to pick which will be recorded in HD vs non-HD. I have no locals via satellite in HD available.

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