VIP722 receiver having issues


Original poster
Jun 30, 2004
Have had a leased VIP722 receiver since 2018 and last week, the TV2 modulator appears (tuned in to Cable channel 73) to have failed (had wavy/ static in video and audio had loud electronic static). All connections are tight. Did a soft reset and powered down, but still the same. Also noticed the component video output was now showing pixelation. Since I only use the receiver in single mode, I now use the TV1 modulator (tuned in to Cable channel 73) for the remote TV's and my main TV I connected to the HDMI output (instead of the component video). This appears to have fixed the issue, with the exception of slight video interference on 1 TV, but not bad.

So, I am guessing the receiver is having issues and wanting to get a replacement VIP722(k).

So a couple questions:

1. Is the VIP722(k) still available? I have read that Dish will want me to get a Hopper, but don't want this.
2. In preps for getting a replacement, I was going to back-up my recordings using a EHD (I have a 500gig WD my passport SSD). I plugged the EHD into the front and then the back USD ports, but only the power light lits up on the EHD. No screen shows up. This drive was previously formatted on a windows pc, but was expecting to the receiver to format it again. Am I missing something?

Thanks for any help.
1. Not from Dish. For good reason.

2. Is the EHD self powered? It should be.
1. I read posts back in Sept. 2023 that VIP 722 receivers were still available. Why state for good reason? I have been happy with mine the last 6 years.
2. Yes, the EHD I am trying to use is not self powered, only powered from the USB port.
Yes there's still 722s available. But it's hard to get a csr to send you one, but if you argue enough they will. Just tell them you don't want hopper and they can send you a new one or cancel the account. (Don't actually cancel though)
THERE ARE NO NEW VIP722 Series receivers. Nor, for that matter, Hoppers.

But the ViP722s are all very old. If yours is dying, why do you think others are I. Better shape?
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THERE ARE NO NEW VIP722 Series receivers. Nor, for that matter, Hoppers.

But the ViP722s are all very old. If yours is dying, why do you think others are I. Better shape?
He asked if they were available not if they were new. Yes everything is refurbished. But a refurbished unit still has less wear than his current receiver and could very well last 10+ years.
And they are available.
And most 722s die because theyve either seen a lot of power surges (which does come with age) or because they get a lot of dust inside and over time heat causes issues. More likely to die in a home where people smoke. Other than that 722s if taken care of last a very long time.
In preps for getting a replacement, I was going to back-up my recordings using a EHD (I have a 500gig WD my passport SSD).
Well, that's a combination I have not tried on my 722 nor 612's. But I did try an SSD (forget the capacity) in a bus-powered enclosure and it worked fine. You generally don't want to use an SSD for this purpose because it's speed your receiver will never need.

But I did try several of my MyPassport external disks and the results are as follows:
  1. 320GB USB2 model (when plugged in, this guarantees a crash and reboot on a 612)
  2. 500GB USB3 model (works perfectly on 722 and 612)
  3. 1.5TB USB3 model (works perfectly on 722 and 612)
I think what's going on there is the disk can't spike over 0.5a current draw or bad things will happen. The newer disks don't and so they're golden.
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I have a 722K that was new and activated in July 2009 and is going strong. It is used almost every day. have an exteran drive on it. In a well ventilated area and an area O ould not consider dirty at all. I hope I get more out of it yet, but mentioning it here will probably jinx it.

Also have a 612 from March 2013 that is owned. and use a little less than the 722K but still gets a lot of hours.
Went out and picked up a powered USB hub and the SSD my passport EHD is now seen, re-formatted and am currently in progress of archiving my recordings from the receiver to the EHD.
My current 722 has been in a fairly clean area, connected to an APC UPS and have had a USB powered cooling fan to help keep the temp under control. I figured 6 years on a receiver was pretty good not knowing if this was a new or a refurb since nothing was obvious on the box.
I've been more of a "if it's not broke and works for my needs, why look for a replacement".
At least with the recordings being archived, I have some time to research the details on the Hopper3/ Joey/ Wally/ Dish LNB if that will work for me as not looked in depth on them. It's a shame the home distribution in the new receiver is no longer as only want in single mode. Current setup is HDMI to main TV where the receiver is located. I have 4 other TV's using the Home Dist. coax with cable splitters, but only watch 2 of these daily. 2 of the daily use TV's are within 3 feet of each other so a cable splitter is used for these 2. I hope I don't have to get a Joey for each of these TV's, but again not researched yet the input/ output jacks on them. Not into a wireless Joey, unless that is the last resort.

If there a current link for technical setup for Hoppers?

Thanks again
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Went out and picked up a powered USB hub and the SSD my passport EHD is now seen, re-formatted and am currently in progress of archiving my recordings from the receiver to the EHD.
My current 722 has been in a fairly clean area, connected to an APC UPS and have had a USB powered cooling fan to help keep the temp under control. I figured 6 years on a receiver was pretty good not knowing if this was a new or a refurb since nothing was obvious on the box.
I've been more of a "if it's not broke and works for my needs, why look for a replacement".
At least with the recordings being archived, I have some time to research the details on the Hopper3/ Joey/ Wally/ Dish LNB if that will work for me as not looked in depth on them. It's a shame the home distribution in the new receiver is no longer as only want in single mode. Current setup is HDMI to main TV where the receiver is located. I have 4 other TV's using the Home Dist. coax with cable splitters, but only watch 2 of these daily. 2 of the daily use TV's are within 3 feet of each other so a cable splitter is used for these 2. I hope I don't have to get a Joey for each of these TV's, but again not researched yet the input/ output jacks on them. Not into a wireless Joey, unless that is the last resort.

If there a current link for technical setup for Hoppers?

Thanks again
Hoppers don't have a coax output. But if the cable for your other tvs is in same location as the 722 then you can use an rf modulator to send back to those tvs.
If the cable is split elsewhere, you could get one Joey and then add rf modulator in the Joey room and reconfigure the rest of cables from there.

Also as far as recording transfer from 722 to a hopper, generally the hard drive needs to be plugged into the hopper first which will reformat it and then plug into 722 to transfer recordings. Then once complete can plug back to hopper and should work.
If you do upgrade to hopper, dish doesn't need the 722 back so tell the tech you want to keep it and then you can work on transferring things.
Hoppers don't have a coax output. But if the cable for your other tvs is in same location as the 722 then you can use an rf modulator to send back to those tvs.
If the cable is split elsewhere, you could get one Joey and then add rf modulator in the Joey room and reconfigure the rest of cables from there.

Also as far as recording transfer from 722 to a hopper, generally the hard drive needs to be plugged into the hopper first which will reformat it and then plug into 722 to transfer recordings. Then once complete can plug back to hopper and should work.
If you do upgrade to hopper, dish doesn't need the 722 back so tell the tech you want to keep it and then you can work on transferring things.
Am I reading this correctly? Are you saying if I have a 772K and the day comes I switch to a Hooper 3, I need to format the external drive to the Hopper first? If that is the case what you are saying is that the two external drives that I have things on will not read to the hopper on the same account if they are not on the 722 to move AFTER the HD is tied to the hopper. That sort of kills the options of the Exteran drive storage to avoid keeping some on the 722K to avoid loss if the old 722k dies a miserable death. I get the exteran drive can fail too but a lot less likely with the much lower use time. Please confirm this is what you meant with your post because I have never understood it to be this way before.
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Am I reading this correctly? Are you saying if I have a 772K and the day comes I switch to a Hooper 3, I need to format the external drive to the Hopper first? If that is the case what you are saying is that the two external drives that I have things on will not read to the hopper on the same account if they are not on the 722 to move AFTER the HD is tied to the hopper. That sort of kills the options of the Exteran drive storage to avoid keeping some on the 722K to avoid loss if the old 722k dies a miserable death. I get the exteran drive can fail too but a lot less likely with the much lower use time. Please confirm this is what you meant with your post because I have never understood it to be this way before.
No he doesn't mean that at all. I'll let him explain to us why he said that, but I see he was talking about a new EHD and not one from your 722. I moved 3 EHD's from my 722 and 2X 612's to my H3 without issue.
No he doesn't mean that at all. I'll let him explain to us why he said that, but I see he was talking about a new EHD and not one from your 722. I moved 3 EHD's from my 722 and 2X 612's to my H3 without issue.

That has been how I have understood it for a long time, and I feel I understand this pretty well. Maybe I read what was posted wrong but what I thought it said had me concerned.
Yeah, years ago I took my EHD from my 722 and plugged it into my Hopper 2000 and it played just fine without a reformat. Then later I moved that same EHD to my Hopper 3 with the same result. There was no need to plug anything into the Hopper first and then move to the 722. You simply transfer your recordings from the 722 to the EHD, after an initial format, and then move that EHD to the Hopper at any time and the Hopper will recognize it and you can play those recordings directly from the EHD or transfer them to the Hopper.
Yeah, years ago I took my EHD from my 722 and plugged it into my Hopper 2000 and it played just fine without a reformat. Then later I moved that same EHD to my Hopper 3 with the same result. There was no need to plug anything into the Hopper first and then move to the 722. You simply transfer your recordings from the 722 to the EHD, after an initial format, and then move that EHD to the Hopper at any time and the Hopper will recognize it and you can play those recordings directly from the EHD or transfer them to the Hopper.
It seems to be hit or miss. I had a customer with three ehds from a 722 and when plugged into the hopper it was forcing a reformat. I've personally never had it work but there has ber people like yourself thy it does work.
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No Digital Audio Out from Hopper

Dish Satellite Names