

SatelliteGuys Guru
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Supporting Founder
Dec 16, 2003
My CBS market is not o&o. I am trying to get cbshd from NEW YORK. Problem is the Station here has no idea what a waiver is. He is telling me that there is no such thing. Anyone else have this problem? What can I do? Just forget about it.
I am being told by and administrative contact that they are not allowed to do this anymore. He said that 3 people lost jobs yesterday for this. So where do I go from here?
I have read that. I know how to go about getting the waiver. My problem is that my local affiliate does not know anything about waivers. How can I get it if they don't know about the waivers for the cbs feed from dish. It also says they will seek the waiver for you, but I was told today that they can no longer request the waiver for you.
It would be nice if they put the waiver form out there to download/print yourself. You could then make the effort of contacting your local affiliate to get the waiver signed the good old fashioned way, with a face to face meeting :)

John Kotches said:
It would be nice if they put the waiver form out there to download/print yourself. You could then make the effort of contacting your local affiliate to get the waiver signed the good old fashioned way, with a face to face meeting :)

Nice theory... but if you go to many affiliate's web sites, they have info/instructions about waiver requests... they will not even accept requests in writing directly from consumers. I doubt anyone who could authorize a waiver would ever talk with a consumer about it, even over the phone...
I called DISH today about getting a waiver in Atlanta, The analog picture is a snowy mess and the HD channel has mutliple issues.
Dish told me I have to contact the station- WGCL in this case and if I get a waiver to fax it to them. No hlep here.
I called WGCL and I was put to a woman who's responsible for waivers. Flat out told me NO. If I get any king of analog picture that is good enough. She said DISH is more than welcome to carry there HD channel. She could care less and was not going to authorize it beacuse I live in a county that borders Atlanta. She said that she has been doing waivers for 12 years and will not give one to anyone. Worse part is that a guy with Direct 2 miles closer got a waiver from Direct.
In the event that you can get a waiver, does anyone knows what it costs? I think it was an extra dollar if you had locals. However, I think it was more if you DON"T have locals. Anyone know the scoop??
jsanders said:
In the event that you can get a waiver, does anyone knows what it costs? I think it was an extra dollar if you had locals. However, I think it was more if you DON"T have locals. Anyone know the scoop??
It's $1.50 for each channel, but if you get a CBS waiver (east or west) the HD channel is free. I got a waiver for CBS, then added NY and LA. After a day or two I called back and they added the HD. I had to request that they add the CBSHD,since I had a CBS waiver they said no problem. I do have 61.5 sat. dish for locals,it was free, also. :) :D
Smoky said:
It's $1.50 for each channel, but if you get a CBS waiver (east or west) the HD channel is free. I got a waiver for CBS, then added NY and LA. After a day or two I called back and they added the HD. I had to request that they add the CBSHD,since I had a CBS waiver they said no problem. I do have 61.5 sat. dish for locals,it was free, also. :) :D

Hmmm. I remember calling the CSR some months ago, my memory is foggy, but she said something like $1.50 under normal circumstances, but since I didin't have locals, it was going to be $6.00 or something. And I got the impression that was the case *IF* I was able to get a CBS waiver, otherwise, I couldn't have it at all.
It is 1.50 for 1 network (CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX), or if you qualify, 5.99 for all.
If you have locals+distants (E & W), breakdown is as such
5.99 for 1
8.99 for 2
11.99 for 3
Iceberg said:
It is 1.50 for 1 network (CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX), or if you qualify, 5.99 for all.
If you have locals+distants (E & W), breakdown is as such
5.99 for 1
8.99 for 2
11.99 for 3
Do you have the networks in
hd with ExpressVu?
I live in the SF Bay Area, and dish offers SD locals for $5.99. I don't want them. I get everything HD OTA, except for UPN with the 921 won't tune for some stupid reason. Anyway, I don't want to pay for $5.99, I would like to have just CBSHD because it would simply be easier to record stuff on the 921 with it as I would get the program guide for it. Don't want SD locals, just CBS HD. Just curious if they do that, and what it costs....

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