Warranty Question


Original poster
Nov 10, 2003
Hey everyone. Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but I was wondering what the 5.99/month Dish warranty would cover. Specifically, I was curious as to whether or not refurbished equipment bought from an online store (like the 508 from the DishStore) would be covered if I were to purchase the extra warranty after the initial 90 day coverage ends. Thanks for the help.
It covers shipping and handeling charges (advanced exchange $15 fee), all hardware that has the Dish logo on it, and service calls for $29 instead of $100 (that is $71 off). It should cover refurbished receivers such as those purchased from a retailer.
You can go to DISH website a search for warranty if you want to read it. Actually I think I had to go to site map to find it but it is there.
Hey, here's a question.... I gave my old 721 receiver to my father. Will he be covered under the plan if he gets it?

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