Wasted Channels!

Harrelson 69

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 10, 2005
Why is Cablevision using CH. 14 and CH. 100 for guide listings. These channels could be used for better programming. You can get the guide by using your remote. What's the story with CH. 79 ? It has nothing on it and is listed as a security channel, why do we need this? Why is NBA TV and MTV Espanol on more than one channel? You see all the wasted channels listed! Why is that?
Harrelson 69 said:
Why is Cablevision using CH. 14 and CH. 100 for guide listings. These channels could be used for better programming. You can get the guide by using your remote. What's the story with CH. 79 ? It has nothing on it and is listed as a security channel, why do we need this? Why is NBA TV and MTV Espanol on more than one channel? You see all the wasted channels listed! Why is that?

Well to ans your questions. On the guide channels 14 and 100, while I agree they should be done away with, there are some people that don't have cableboxes. So I guess until analogs are completely shut of they will continue to run these channels.

In the case of NBA TV and MTV espanol, although they apear on two different channels it is using the same frequecy. So its not using extra bandwidth. If you don't belive me Switch between the two NBATV channels. You will see the change is much quicker than a usual channel change between digital channels.

As far as ch79 I have no idea what that is used for.
I dont know if they will ever get rid of the channel guides, not only is it useful for those without cableboxes but it is also used for advertising cablevisions other services.
hbk409 said:
I dont know if they will ever get rid of the channel guides, not only is it useful for those without cableboxes but it is also used for advertising cablevisions other services.

They could just turn them into 24hr Cablevision infomercial channels like what directv and I think TW does because honestly thats all they are. It really is a waste to have the channel guide on 100 as it's a "digital" channel guide. You can't see the channels listed on it unless you have a cable box anyway. If I do have a cable box why would I want to sit through the scrolling screen when I can get the same info much quicker in the EPG?
Some people are creatures of habit. If you're willing to teach all those people how to use a digital box and the interactive program guide, maybe then Cablevision get rid of ch 14 and 100.

If you want to talk about wasted channels, look at all those terrible public access and comunity bulletin board channels. 24 hours of lunatics spouting gov't conspiracies, bad bands, and month old religous ceremonies. Plus, its all incredibly poorly produced. The community bulletin boards aren't too bad, but do we really need them.

The only good stuff ever on public access was a show called Slacker TV.
I'm aware they are in the franchise agreements. The channels are still terrible. PA is a thing of the past in my opinion. You can spread your own views quicker and to a wider audience via the internet now.
Public access has it uses but some times its really overkill. In NYC we get 9. 4 NYC pub access 4 bronx channels and a cuny channel. One or two is all thats need, they have a hard enough time filling up 1 or 2 never mind 9. Take away 5-6 of those analog channels all of a sudden you have space for 10-18 hd channels
There is a reason why I hate NBATV!!!!! Channels 148 and 430 are both NBATV and it is a huge waste!!!!! NFL Network has to be on channel 148 so that all customers will get a fair chance to see 7 of the eight games this season. Of course, the Giants/Redskins game will be seen over-the-air.

NFL Network?

Internet Speeds?

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