Watching a president tank:( (bush)

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Bob Haller said:
I sincerly hope pure 100% civil war breaks out immediately, since that might get bush to pull the troops out. it may be the only way....

Bob you are totally insane to make such a statement in my eyes. Sorry but you have either totally lost your mind or you need to get out of this country ASAP. I Will personally buy you a plane ticket to France or Germany maybe North Korea would be a great place for you.

What will getting the troops out of Iraq accomplish? World peace? You are truly mad if you believe so.

Maybe its not such a bad idea. Ten after the terrorists Nuke LA or Chicago and kill 1.5 million people you MIGHT see that the war was not such a bad idea.
It may not accomplish world peace, but it will save hundreds of lives. Here comes the can of worms. We should never have been there to begin with. There I said it. Now you can start flaming me.

Hey Eric you're a Republican aren't you?

Since you seem to think this war is justified and don't mind sending our kids in to be slaughtered, how about this; Lets march into China, they have nukes and biological war heads. That sounds like a good suicide mission for our troops. Isn't that the reason we invaded Iraq? Because we "thought" they had biological weapons.
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Comments like that just put you on my "Permanently Ignore, You're a Waste of My Time" list

Bob Haller said:
I sincerly hope pure 100% civil war breaks out immediately, since that might get bush to pull the troops out. it may be the only way....
Bob Haller said:
85% of the citizens of Iraq want us OUT, 45% feel killing americans to get us out is good.

We are at war with the citizens of Iraq:(

When the civil war occurs I believe Saddam will be back in power....

Be careful of your sources my friend... and this rebutle has nothing to do with what I said. Look up the definition of war with a country in the Geneva Convention.
Bob Haller said:
I believe the reports of prisoner abuse, heck the military convicted the guards but gave them minimal sentences. the approval of torture came from the president.

Bush even said publically we need it as a weapon...

We do need it as a weapon. When a robber breaks into your house and wants to know where the safe is, does he wake you up and put you in a room until you give in and tell him? Or does he kick you a few times, put a gun to your head and demand the information he wants? Which one would scare you the most and is the quickest way to get the information?

Please do not even begin to protect the "rights" of these people who are being held because they hate America and are connected with plots to KILL Americans at home and abroad. I do not believe they should be punished for nothing, like the Japanese did to the innocent Chinese civilians in WWII, but if we need information from them and they won't extract it... you go Jack Bauer on their hiny! :D THEY ARE TERRORIST CRIMINALS!
bpickell said:
Since you seem to think this war is justified and don't mind sending our kids in to be slaughtered, how about this; Lets march into China, they have nukes and biological war heads.

3000 hero's dead is not a Slaughter... do not call those brave men and women's heroism slaughter... they didn't think it was. If "Slaughter" is the term you want to use, consider WWII with over roughly 300,000 dead, and another 300,000 injured. We are approaching the same amount of time at war with this war on terror as WWII, and some how I don't think that those numbers are even close to what this country has been through in the past to keep freedom ringing.
This really has nothing to do with freedom. Iraq didn't invade us, and threaten our freedom. So why are we truly at war with them. This is not a question to start a fight. I really would like to know why we invaded a country who has truly done nothing to us. There is absolutely no evidence "that I know of" to support the contrary.

I guess my definition of a slaughter is a little different than yours. We don't have a chance to win this thing, yet we still send troops in to be killed. To me that sounds like a slaughter.

WWII wasn't a slaughter because we actually had a chance. It wasn't extremists that we were at war with in WWII, it was countries. War with countries are winable. Wars with extremists or beliefs are not. Hell just look at this thread, the whole thing is a big war on beliefs. Neither side will win. Everyone has their own opinion. All that is going on is one person is trashing another persons beliefs and vise versa. No one will win this arguement period.
bpickell said:
This really has nothing to do with freedom. Iraq didn't invade us, and threaten our freedom. So why are we truly at war with them. This is not a question to start a fight. I really would like to know why we invaded a country who has truly done nothing to us. There is absolutely no evidence "that I know of" to support the contrary.

I guess my definition of a slaughter is a little different than yours. We don't have a chance to win this thing, yet we still send troops in to be killed. To me that sounds like a slaughter.

WWII wasn't a slaughter because we actually had a chance. It wasn't extremists that we were at war with in WWII, it was countries. War with countries are winable. Wars with extremists or beliefs are not. Hell just look at this thread, the whole thing is a big war on beliefs. Neither side will win. Everyone has their own opinion. All that is going on is one person is trashing another persons beliefs and vise versa. No one will win this arguement period.

You are contradicting your statement that war on terror is a war with Iraq, so I am assuming you understand we are not at war with Iraq. How can you be at war with a country who's military you are training? This has everything to do with freedom... FREEDOM FROM HAVING PLANES FLOWN INTO OUR BUILDINGS AGAIN!!

We invaded Iraq because we ALL (Democrats of the most extreme, and republicans) thought that Saddam was holding WMD's. He obviously did not, but he did not freely admit he did not either. (I think that he did, but disposed of evidence quite well, or maybe he was working with IRAN and wanted to cover that up, but that is a different debate) That is why the war was signed by members of both parties overwhelmingly. Since we were in Iraq, the insurgents liked the idea that we were on their turf. Hence why we have Al Zarqawi, also a native of... you guessed it IRAN. Any extremists licks his chops at the chance of using a country like Iraq, who was without a leader, a poor military, and a giant mess, to use for their own terrorism. Its easier that way. But to have the American Army there, was all the sweeter. No one could have predicted that... Even John Edwards and Hillary Clinton Admitted to that. But why they continue to use it as their crutch for fuel on the fire they think they have burning on Bush, is beside me. Maybe they count on liberals and Democrats, and American's in general to be dumb enough to not think about that for themselves, or to find the truth for themselves.

And get your facts straight. We never had a chance in WWII. Thank God we had allies we could rely on, and a Patriotic country who stood behind the president no matter what when he changed our entire economy to be a war machine. We had the number 7 military in the world at the time. That’s odds stacked against you when Germany and the Empire of Japan were 1 & 2, and both had their eyes set on us. If we HAD to today, do you think that if Bush asked the entire country to ration Gas, and food, and shut down auto plants to make tanks and army vehicles, or heaven forbid... a draft were to occur, that Most American's would stand behind him to do it. NO WAY! It was only with the help of our allies, and President Roosevelt changing the economy to drive the war effort that made WWII a victory for the allies. Unfourtunatly Democtrats like Rosevelt and JFK do not exist anymore. Because they both were very much against Terrorism, and said plainly that they would protect the American way of life at ANY cost. Look it up.
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I never said that anything I was talking about was fact. Just my opinion. And my views on how I perceive it.

By the way that was by far the best explanation I have seen to date.

My views on WWII and us having a chance was based on, when you are at war with a country you have a chance on cripling the army and causing a surrender. This is not the case with terrorism. If you criple their leaders or their militia, someone else will just step up and take over. Which in my eyes makes it an unwinable fight.

I understand that if you are cripling a country in a war that someone can take over the leadership of the country, but you are still just fighting a country, and I don't care if you are the best military or the worst military you have a chance of winning. The best case scenario for what we are doing is a stalemate. Again not based on fact, just my perception.

I have one more belief I would like to throw out there and see what you think. If we had embedded reporters that glorified the acts of terror that is going on in Iraq, in Vietnam I seriously think we would still be fighting the VC. Militia loves attention. That is the whole reason for doing it so they can be recognized for their actions. I know we can't stop them because of the freedom of the press, however if they were to just think before they report. Maybe we wouldn't have to worry about having planes flown into another building.
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From the article...
"March 7, 2006 -- BAGHDAD

AMONG the many positive stories you aren't being told about Iraq, the media ignored another big one last week: In the wake of the terrorist bombing of the Golden Mosque in Samarra, it was the Iraqi army that kept the peace in the streets.

It's routinely declared a failure by those who yearn for the new Iraq to fail. But an increasingly capable Iraqi military has been developing while reporters (who never really investigated the issue) wrote it off as hopeless.

What actually happened last week, as the prophets of doom in the media prematurely declared civil war?

* The Iraqi army deployed over 100,000 soldiers to maintain public order. U.S. Forces remained available as a backup, but Iraqi soldiers controlled the streets.

* Iraqi forces behaved with discipline and restraint - as the local sectarian outbreaks fizzled, not one civilian had been killed by an Iraqi soldier.

* Time and again, Iraqi military officers were able to defuse potential confrontations and frustrate terrorist hopes of igniting a religious war.

* Forty-seven battalions drawn from all 10 of Iraq's army divisions took part in an operation that, above all, aimed at reassuring the public. The effort worked - from the luxury districts to the slums, the Iraqis were proud of their army.

AS a result of its nationwide success, the Iraqi army gained tremendously in confidence. Its morale soared. After all the lies and exaggerations splashed in your direction, the truth is that we're seeing a new, competent, patriotic military emerge. The media may cling to its image of earlier failures, but last week was a great Iraqi success.

This matters. Not only for Iraq's sake, but because standing up a responsible military subordinate to an elected civilian government is the essential development that will allow us to reduce our troop presence in the next few years. Much remains to do - and much could still go wrong - but I, for one, am more optimistic after this visit to Baghdad. "

US Troops were still fighting Nazi "Terrorists" in 1948.

The world is NOT a McDonalds drive-thru with instant gratification and results.


"I understand that if you are cripling a country in a war that someone can take over the leadership of the country, but you are still just fighting a country, and I don't care if you are the best military or the worst military you have a chance of winning. The best case scenario for what we are doing is a stalemate. Again not based on fact, just my perception."

So we should just pull a France/Spain and capitulate? OMG!

The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance.
bpickell said:
It may not accomplish world peace, but it will save hundreds of lives. Here comes the can of worms. We should never have been there to begin with. There I said it. Now you can start flaming me.

Hey Eric you're a Republican aren't you?

Since you seem to think this war is justified and don't mind sending our kids in to be slaughtered, how about this; Lets march into China, they have nukes and biological war heads. That sounds like a good suicide mission for our troops. Isn't that the reason we invaded Iraq? Because we "thought" they had biological weapons.

I was a die hard Republican- but the last 2 years I have moved way to the center. I'm PRO abortion- Anti deathpenality- and anti religion in government.

I served in gulf war 1 so don't go there with me. It is not a suicide mission if we have the balls to let the military do its job. Kill people and break things- ONLY then should we rebuild the country.

You are fooling yourself if you think pulling out will make the world any safer, in fact the exact opposite will happen.
Muslims only understand POWER and that is why saddam kept them in line. Giving them everything they want will only make it worse. Look at the cartoons they are kill thousands over- they have nothing to do with IRAQ - Israel or IRAN!

Muslims do NOT do this for media attention - they do it because it has been beat into their heads since childhood that this is the highest honor and will guarantee their families free ride into "heaven"
bpickell said:
I never said that anything I was talking about was fact. Just my opinion. And my views on how I perceive it.

By the way that was by far the best explanation I have seen to date.

My views on WWII and us having a chance was based on, when you are at war with a country you have a chance on cripling the army and causing a surrender. This is not the case with terrorism. If you criple their leaders or their militia, someone else will just step up and take over. Which in my eyes makes it an unwinable fight.

I understand that if you are cripling a country in a war that someone can take over the leadership of the country, but you are still just fighting a country, and I don't care if you are the best military or the worst military you have a chance of winning. The best case scenario for what we are doing is a stalemate. Again not based on fact, just my perception.

I have one more belief I would like to throw out there and see what you think. If we had embedded reporters that glorified the acts of terror that is going on in Iraq, in Vietnam I seriously think we would still be fighting the VC. Militia loves attention. That is the whole reason for doing it so they can be recognized for their actions. I know we can't stop them because of the freedom of the press, however if they were to just think before they report. Maybe we wouldn't have to worry about having planes flown into another building.

I agree with you on the reporters 100% The insurgents/militia/terrorists know there is no media like the American media. But they do it mostly for the reasons Eric listed above, (it is how they are raised as children).

As far as the other stuff goes, we will agree to disagree. :)
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Bush... Tank???

I was in gulf war 1 as well, but that was a whole different ball game. So can I go there now. LOL.. jk
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