Website Commentary to Date


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 24, 2003
Website Commentary

As I have looked and read from this amazing site and have become so addicted to it, I have some comments at to what I have seen here.

Let’s see…the 921 receivers. The eagerly awaited state-of-the-art HDTV DVR that probably could communicate to the mars rover it’s so big…and it is big. It reminds me of when those state-of-the-art Beta videocassette recorders when they came out (remember those?). When slick and slim is in, Dish opts to produce this mammoth of a beast for all of us hungry tech-no beats. From the reviews I have read, the motto for this “beast” should be “Failure of this model is not an option, it’s bundled in it’s software”.

And dish has also opted for this retro platinum color, a color digressing to the era of table-turners and 8-tracks. Silver being the predominate color for those components. What are we to see next, simulated wood grain finish? (Atari 2600).

And the 811 Oh my where do I begin. Let’s just say with this little beauty everyone gets a free beta-testing membership. Last I looked we were on problem item #22 and counting. I think the 811 needs an on-star button for quick access to the CSR.

With HDTV becoming more and more available, we are all chomping at the bit to get more of this high-resolution cornucopia of pixels. Like drug-deprived junkies, we are dying waiting for something more than HD insectia. Some of us jump on the VOOM bandwagon and find the wheels are coming off, some of us go to Dish or it’s archrival Direct TV and find some HD crumbs. But as you know, when we were growing up, some of us, not all us, had only 3 channels & PBS to enjoy. The technology required for this was a TV and an antenna, that’s it. There was no such thing as a low noise boxes, diplexors, or the term progressive scan, for DVDs for that matter. During my childhood a big screen was what was in our front room window to keep the flies out.

Some day our kids will say, “Gee Dad…All you had was 21 HD channels? Man how did you deal with that?” As they go and watch 3-dimensional high definition images with 10.1 digital surround sound.

Patience my friends. Patience. It’s coming. We all have the systems ready to go. I have seen them. Like souped up dragsters waiting for the green light. It will happen…it just requires some patience. I can wait. Until then, let’s enjoy this truly great website to ease our HD hunger (HDD).

So with that, thanks Scott & all the moderators for all you hard work and all the members who make this site what it is.

Signed, Shichonni
a Satellite guys website fan!!!
Shichonni said:
Website Commentary

As I have looked and read from this amazing site and have become so I think the 811 needs an on-star button for quick access to the CSR.

Classic line Shichonni!! I love it - OnStar for Dish receivers!!!! :superlol:

I can see it now: Push the button... "OnStar, I see your receiver has locked-up. I am rebooting it remotely now"
Shichonni said:
But as you know, when we were growing up, some of us, not all us, had only 3 channels & PBS to enjoy.

What do you mean "3 channels & PBS?" I grew up with 2 channels, CBS, NBC and ABC split across the 2, and network TV delayed a week. Have you ever watched a Christmas special on New Years Eve? :D

I totally agree with the need for patience.

My 2nd 921 died!!!

BingoTV's Ashley!!!

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