Weird Hopper 3 behavior (reboots)


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 13, 2014

I have a Hopper 3 that has a weird behavior of rebooting incredibly often when not in use. Not the standard once a day in early morning restart, way beyond that, multiple times an hour at points. You can hear the hard drive go through its reboot sequence and if you the turn on the TV while it's doing this, the screen that only shows up when the Hopper is powering on shows. However, it does not reboot while being actively watched or while recording.

Posting the history log from the diagnostics and 655 internal resets seems high but I don't know enough about these numbers to really say for sure.

It isn't impacting the standard function of the device so haven't contacted CSR over it but I'm curious nonetheless.



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Generally, electrical issues will cause this. First and easiest thing to check is all the cable connectors. Take them off and look inside and see if there's any tiny silver wire touching the center copper wire. If there is, it causes a short and will cause the hopper3 to reset. Also if there is a short in the cabling you will usually hear a high pitched buzzing noise coming from back of hopper that will go away the moment you disconnect the cable. Also you'll want to check the outside connections for any corrosion.

If the cable connectors are all good your next thing would be house electrical. Most common issues involve ground and neutral not being right. This can be tested by lifting the group d on the hopper by using a three prong to two prong adapter. If doing that fixes it then there's something wrong with your house electrical. Can also try using an extension cord going to another room that you know is on a different breaker.

And if none of that resolves it then you'll need a new hopper.
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OTA adapter isn't part of my set-up but thank you for the suggestion.

Still need to check the wiring outside a bit but the 3 to 2 prong adapter didn't change anything.
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Ended up reseting to factory defaults today after a hunch, Hopper never would make it past the locking into the satellites stage. Tech support is sending me a different hopper, it rebooted on them while they were remoting into it.
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Semi-necro bump, the Hopper 3 that was sent to me also constantly reboot and I put off trying to figure out what was going on with it for a while. Then about 2 weeks ago, an HDMI switch I was using basically died (no video), and after removing that from my setup, the reboots stopped. I guess that HDMI switch was putting out too much power over the HDMI cords themselves and shorting the Hopper 3? Solved problem at least.