What else will I need?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 10, 2004
NE Ohio
If I get the DHP with two 322's then decide to add an 811 at a later time, do I just add a second switch or are there other parts invloved?
I dont have anything right now, Im trying to decide the best way to go on inital ordering. Everything is centered around the new customer. so I want to make the best choice I can.
Then get the 811 now while it's basically cheaper than you'll ever get it.

On the other hand.. usually, when you go through dish and add an addl rcvr, the addl equipment needed is included. not necessarily if you go through a retailer.
jrv331 said:
If I get the DHP with two 322's then decide to add an 811 at a later time, do I just add a second switch or are there other parts invloved?

Yes...it would be a 2nd DP34, which would hook to the 1st DP34

The only other part you would need is a cable run from the receiver to the switch :)
I'm assuming you are prepared for being added to the bottom of the long waiting list. Best way to get a 811 or 921 is to get it as a new sub. Otherwise, you're on a growing waiting list.

Super Dish Type 2

Topeka, El Paso Uplinked and other additions.

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