What makes an 'exclusive' customer


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
I spoke with one of the reps at the executive office yesterday and asked them specifically what makes a customer 'exclusive' or not. He said it's basically a mathematical formula based on weighted scores for things like how long you've had your account, how much you pay each month, payment history, whether you've purchased any premium packages or PPV events, if you've taken advantage of any previous 'promotional' offers (i.e. the 6000u w/ 8VSB for $149/$199, the 811 for $149/$199, 510 for $0/$99, etc...), whether you have autopay and other factors. He also told me that the CSR's and executive office reps are specifically EXCLUDED from knowing the exact weighting of the categories and the formula itself! When you call in, the determination of whether you are 'exclusive' or not appears on the screen automatically - it's not something you can 'talk the CSR into'.

Just thought I'd put that info out there - I know there has been a lot of debate as to what makes a customer 'exclusive' or not.
So it is kind of like getting Car Insurance then . .

Some have this magical credit score thing that helps determin your rate, yet they wont tell you how they got it.

Formula bases on your Credit Score+ no# of Claims + number of late fees + years with them / Pie
I was told that it was based on how tall you are. They wouldn't go any further than that when pressed for more info.
I am a exclusive customer and had figured it was because I have the AT150 pack and the superstations but now I find out its just because I am six foot and three inches tall !!!!!!! Cool I knew that height would come in handy someday and it finally paid off.
Thanks for the info ddeeble and you too Cyclone.
I thought it was the fact I'm over 6 feet that got me the
6000 for $149.
Cyclone thanks for that great list of 6000 quirks you
put out it nailed all it's problems. :)
I'm 6'2" so I'm also exclusive. Feels great.

BTW: I'm really itching for a 811, so when I get one, I'll be sure to make a similar list of its bugs and tips.
Cyclone,glad to hear you'll do another list.I too am antzy
to get a 811,are you like me waiting on that software upgrade
before you bite? :)
Im only 5'9", but my girlfriend is 6'1", so maybe that will make me "exclusive"! :D

Memphis Locals are down

Impressions of the 811 after 24 hours (Rants and applause)

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