What Programming do we want now?

MattP-bgsu said:
Hey guys, another voom newbie joining. I personally don't care if they add anymore sd channels or not, but the wife really wants the food network. She's rather upset for the espn addition without her getting the food. Granted, my stomach also misses the food network.

Welcome. From what we heard FoodTv, HGTV are a given. It is just a matter of when they will appear in the PG.
why even have those sd choices in the poll. They will add them. but the important stuff is the HD. I dont ever tune to an sd channel unless theres a show i watch regularly on it and the whole time I wonder when it will be HD.
wont RSN be a huge bandwidth hog? isnt it a trap like local in local? Thats why id add it dead last with my left over bandwidth.
vurbano said:
wont RSN be a huge bandwidth hog? isnt it a trap like local in local? Thats why id add it dead last with my left over bandwidth.
It is a bandwidth hog, and it'll only get worse. More RSNs are going HD and more RSNs are in the works. Now that we get ESPN, I'm paying Cox $45/month for FSSW, and I bet many others keep cable or DBS just for RSNs. Sports will be going HD much sooner than A&E and History Channel (Engineering Disaters Rocks!). Hopefully new encoding and more birds will allow this to happen. But no way are RSNs as horrible as are local into locals.

My list:
1. RSNs
4. TechTV/G4 (Whatever they'll call new channel)

INHD is better than HDNet b/c it shows MLB. The only sports HDNEt has are minor league sports and some basketball (from the 80s). I don't need HDNET movies b/c I'm already paying for HBO. Not much of an NBA guy, so TNT & NBA I can do without.
We all would love everything but realize for the time being maybe 1-2 more untill other options are available,hope by fall, I personally would like HD and can by pass SD untill they become HD..that's what i have VOOM for.
The Stone Man said:
Vurbano previously suggested "HD Bikini Babes in Action" in a previous thread. Gotta admit, that sounds pretty good to me.
I believe Voom has signifigant other channels featuring this genre of programming :shocked
I know I am a minority, but it is a shame that with the Starz/Encore pack they left out one of the channels (westerns). Along with my HD, which I really like, I need of fix of Hoppy, Roy and Gene.
The Stone Man said:
Vurbano previously suggested "HD Bikini Babes in Action" in a previous thread. Gotta admit, that sounds pretty good to me.
That would be on HDNET, it's called "Bikini Destinations". :shocked

We already have the Biography channel, why's it in the poll? :confused:
DarrellP said:
That would be on HDNET, it's called "Bikini Destinations". :shocked

We already have the Biography channel, why's it in the poll? :confused:
Sorry about that, I messed up. Did anyone notice there were 200 active users awhile ago. I don't think that's ever happened before. We should throw a parade for Scott :D
Don't care about SD channels.

The best shows are in SD right now! American chopper, South Park, Chappel's show, American Hotrod, The Screen Savers, Seinfeld, etc. I wouldn't expect all of the major channels to be in HD for a long while.
Before we see another sports channel or news channel, we had better see FOOD!!!!
My list:

1. FoodTV
I'm missing me some Good Eats

2. HDNet
I'm not missing it terribly since dropping it from my DirectTV subscription but I'd like to get the MLS HD game every week.

3. BBC America
I'm sure I'm in a very small minority here but I like seeing the shows that TLC will have a year or two in advance. Also, I have this thing for Carol Smiley. MMMHHHHHHH Carol Smiley.

4. Regional Sports Networks
I'm conflicted about this because it's a bandwidth killer but I'd like to have the local regional sports channel.
I can understand wanting HGTV. There is something to be said for getting the wife/girlfiend of your back. For the life of me, I don't understand the Food channel. OK, it's food on TV. Am I missing something? Do they teleport the food to your home. Does anyone follow along and cook the recipes? I don't care if it's added or not, and I'm sure it goes right along with HGTV, but I can't imagine watching someone cook.
I bet next one should be TNT-HD (upon launch next month) since VOOM still needs more sports and it shouldn't be hard to get (since the SD version is already carried). Who knows, maybe the existing deal to carry TNT-SD also covers TNT-HD.
I don't care much about SD channels but I think that channels like Food, SciFI and HGTV would also appear misteriously (like Fox-News and Golf)