We really need to look at the big picture regarding 3D TV's. In this mornings paper (Phoenix) the headline read "TV's are the number one seller this holiday season". Because the major TV manufactures, along with studios like ABC and Disney and ESPN as well as movie studios like Sony etc are all not only backing 3D, they are invested an assuring it's success. Look at the top of the line models from Panasonic ST, GT and VT series are all 3D. The Sony 929 series is 3D, the Sharp Pro series and 735 series are all 3D. More and more people are buying bigger screens like 60" 65" and 70". Panasonic even has a 42" 3D set. These companies will make sure that 3D sticks around and flourishes. They can't afford to let it fail. One of these days you will be buying a 3D TV because that's all that will be available. If Dish can't see that hand writing on the wall then they will continue to lose subs.