When you can't get Locals


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 26, 2003
Locals were launched in my area (Fort Smith) today. I called on Sunday to ask about getting a new 811 receiver and what I would need for locals (Superdish). The CSR told me to go ahead and get the 811 and call back on Thursday for locals. She told me to call early because there was already a two month backlog but I could not order until Thursday. I agreed to do that and my 811 was scheduled for install on Friday.

I called this morning and was told at first that they could install the Superdish on February 23. Then they told me they could not schedule it because I had an install for an 811 scheduled for tomorrow. They told me to call back tomorrow after the 811 was installed to schedule my locals.

After speaking with a person here in town about the limited availability of the Superdish, I decided to cancel the 811 and order my locals. I called Dish back and cancelled my 811. I asked them when I could expect a refund of my $149. I was told they could not refund it but only credit it to my account. After 25 minutes and several people, they agreed to send me a refund. They then told me I would have to call back to schedule my locals.

I then called back to schedule my locals, and i was told they were not taking any more orders until January and told me to call back in January and they could schedule an install then. I asked when the install would be and was told she was not sure but probably sometime in March.

I find it incredible that they announce that locals are launched but no one can order them until January for maybe a March install. I also find it incredible that they refused to refund my money on the 811. What is going on with Dish?
Yes it is. Whether this is the cause I can't say. But yes it is.
Well lets see.

The first plan A ( Directv merger plan) didn't succeed.

Then the second plan B( buying the Loral satellites) failed miserably.

Then the third plan C ( The much hyped Superdish for hd) failed again due to not large enough sat footprint.

Let's not forget the much talked about and award winning vaporware of the 921 and the new class of receivers that don't have the proper software at launch.

Add to that the customer unfriendly practices like the phone line connection made mandatory even on the newer receivers or you pay the additional receiver fees. And the fact we now have dvr fees on basically the same software that we had before on the newer dvr receivers.

It looks like old Charlie is running as fast as he can but is getting no where, like a bad dream. He needs to come up with a winner and I mean soon. All these failed decisions and ideas are really taking a toll on his stocks and the public's perception of Dish as a company.

I just wonder if all these failed plans are a result of the pressure of the upcoming buyout of Directv by Rupert . Maybe he is just planning on selling Dish to the highest bidder and getting out while the getting is good.
Well SuperDish for LIL seems to be working so well that they are severly backordered. People are starting to report 2-3 month wait on superdish installs. Either there is a severe shortage of SuperDishes or Installers are so busy now that they are booked solid. Either way it looks like lots of people are snapping them up.
Hey....but Bob Haller's crystal ball said that the 36" "Monstrosities" would be a gigantic flop! How can that be. His crystal ball is always right! Right Bill?

See ya

Pronto and 811


Why bother with Dish PVRs?

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