Where will Voom get their HD programing?


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Where will Voom get their HD programing for 21 HD channels? HD Discovery only has a couple hundred hours of HD programming for one channel. ESPN only has a few hours a week of HD programming. Etc.

How will Voom get programming for 21 HD channels right off the bat? Upconverted SD programming is NOT any better than regular SD progamming and I am not paying extra for upconverted SD.
jerryez said:
Where will Voom get their HD programing for 21 HD channels? HD Discovery only has a couple hundred hours of HD programming for one channel. ESPN only has a few hours a week of HD programming. Etc.

How will Voom get programming for 21 HD channels right off the bat? Upconverted SD programming is NOT any better than regular SD progamming and I am not paying extra for upconverted SD.

This is my concern. The only way to really know is to wait for a local Sears store to have a working display with the channels to view.

Of course, we will already know more about the DBS service than the Sears salesman!!

The Sears rep probably will not even know how to change channels, so you will only get to view one channel.

I went to my Sears yesterday and of the two reps on duty, one was yaping on the phone (not business) and the other was visiting with friends(not business). I waited five minutes and just left.
There was no Voom display visible.
VOOM doesn't officially launch until the 15th, so there probably won't be demos before that time.
For a company that launches in less then 2 weeks it has WAY to many unanswered questions for my likings.

Many people have asked VOOM if they have a Dish pointed at 61.5 and a roof top OTA antenna would they have to pay the full $749 fee. To which Voom replies they don't know that answer yet.

Their programming also has me scared as I know of no real programming commitment or libraries that Cablevision owns. Part of me is saying many of the 21 channels will only be in 480p instead of 1080i.

I saw their website before it got pulled off line, their 40 "Digital Cable" channels listed were all junk, I don't recall seeing USA, Cartoon Network, CNN etc in their lineup, also if I recall 20 of those 40 channels were Music Choice Channels.

Voom needs to announce its channels with a list of movies that will be shown each month on each channel.

The good news is if you call Voom they will schedule you an install and will also give you a 30 day guarentee meaning if you don't like Voom for whatever reason you can return it for a full refund.

It's just a waiting game now.
I was thinking the same thing, so many unanswered questions with less than two weeks left until rollout. It makes you wonder if they even know.
saw their website before it got pulled off line, their 40 "Digital Cable" channels listed were all junk, I don't recall seeing USA, Cartoon Network, CNN etc in their lineup, also if I recall 20 of those 40 channels were Music Choice Channels.
Never fear, I saw the likes of CNN and USA. They had different SD channels listed over several pages, from what I recall. That said, I didn't see logos for ~40 different channels (though I didn't count them either).

The music channels are separate -- i.e. not counted as part of the 40 cable favorites.
Recent reports indicate that they will have approximately 80 SD channels, though what they are is still unknown.
I have said all along that V* will eventualy sell out to E* or posibly D*, the more I see of their potentual price and programing line up the more I am convinced that this prediction will come true. :)

Voom don't list ESPN HD, but when you see a demo it is on there.
So I called them and they are trying to cut a deal with ESPN at
this time.
Will they be able to keep their exclusive channels exclusive? Since they are distributing their content via satellite aren't they required to offer those channels to other MSOs or DBS providers? I remember back when Vivendi invested in Echostar last year and started planning some new channels there were some who said that E* would not be able to keep them exclusive. Is that the case here or are the rules different with HDTV?

VOOM - 10 HD Movie Channels, Why?

ESPN-HD and HBO-HD Late November on VOOM? (Rumor)

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