I have W7 on an I7. I run two separate installs of Dvbdream. One for each tuner. You do not need to have two installs unless you want to record two different programs simutaneouly in Dvbdream. Other software can handle a dual tuner but my pals at work use Dvbdream with their skywalkers so I went down that road. I only recommend the TBS6890 if you can copy someone's else's set-up, otherwise you will be going through the learning curve. Part of that learning curve is learning your software. If you are already familiar with MythTV, your life may be easier. I did see a linux driver on the TBS website. This card seems to work well once the set-up is correct. It is fast and I have not experienced any flickering that I have heard about with other cards. I only wish I had Blindscan for S2. I now do all my S1 blindscanning with the CS5000 and then just punch in the TPs into Dvbdream. I also suggest the TBS6925 such that it will be similar to the 6890 but with a more advanced chip giving the potential for blindscan (once someone writes the software)and will include 16APSK and 32APSK.