Which satellite slots will hold all SD & HD after 2-11-0


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 9, 2004
I have a 721 (plus 2- 5000/HD Mod.'s and a 501) fed by an SW64 and also have Dishes pointed at 110, 119, 61.5 & 148.

I would definately get a 921 if the DishWire goes live to D-VHS.

But, I'd like to understand my other hardware needs to make all SD & HD progamming work.

I was given to understand that 61.5 & 148 would become void of all HD programming after 2-11-04.

So, as of then, will essentially all Dish SD & HD be moved to 110 & 119?

Or, are any of the lower tier locals (like the local UHF stations) still going to be on 61.5 & 148?

I was given to understand that 61.5 & 148 would become void of all HD programming after 2-11-04.

What are the side slots?

Murray Kerdman

Pulled trigger!!!

Can I get my locals (Savannah GA) and the New York Networks?

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