Pulled trigger!!!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 30, 2003
Went thru VMCSatellite. 811,PVR and 301 DHP top 100bonus w/HBO cinemax,HD pack and locals.
$75 or so a month, $49.99 down and 4 credits of $49.99. Not too shabby. Install slated for end of Jan. :)
Never heard of them before someone mentioned them in an 811 thread on this forum. They never spammed me.
I would have if somoene had suggested that in my other thread asking about it.

EDIT*** Just noticed with Dish depot, it is a 2 year commit.
The 1 year I signed for was long enough and worth $49.99 for me with 4 monthly credits of $49.99.

JVC HD Satellite Receiver, DISH™ with Integrated Off-Air ATS

Which satellite slots will hold all SD & HD after 2-11-0

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