Who ever adds Sci Fi in Wide/Enhanced gets my HD DVR order


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 2, 2003
I changed my mind about the Direct TV and Dish Network HD DVR -which is better- question.

Instead . . .
Its all about channels in either HD (720p , 1080i) and/or Widescreen (enhanced Def -ED- dolby 5.1 or 480p). (normal SD is 480i).

What good is a HD DVR is there are no good channels or not enough channels?

Who ever has the most HD or ED actualy turned on gets my $1000 order.

If Sci Fi ED is added they would get my vote right away if they added it.
I would even pay full price for the Dish 921.

I have not heard anything about Direct TV adding this channel anytime soon so looks liek Dish is in the lead so far and Voom does not have a HD DVR.

Hope they add it to the HD Package soon.

Also having the Super Stations and UPN for Star Trek is a big plus for dish already. I cant get UPN except on Cox cable (there is no over the air UPN here). How about the Super Stations in HD or ED?
I would LOVE it if they offered the Superstations in HD. I don't see any reason that it isn't feasible, and the WB in particular has some great HD programming available.
I want it for the OTA. I only record a few true cable channels. I would be happy to see a Scifi ED channel though.
Re: Who ever adds Sci Fi in Wide/Enhanced gets my HD DVR ord

ScottChez said:
Who ever has the most HD or ED actualy turned on gets my $1000 order.

So, if Direct has the most on the day you decide, and Dish has more two days later, then what?? That is not the way to decide, in my opinion. I think you have to look at the track record of each provider, your choice of what equipment you like better, and who has the potential to have more or varied HD programming. In addition, you mention superstations, which if it is important to you, that would weigh alot wouldn't it?

Second UHF remote for 811

Got my 921 Today Woo Hoo!

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