Wii peeps: favorite Wii games


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 25, 2007
Zelda was my first fave, but now the remake of resident evil 4. i probably beat that game almost 20 times. more i beat it the better it gets. hopefully tonight dragon blade will take the title.

Metroid is cool, but i am kinda tired of 1st person shooters. even Halo 3 (my bro has it) its cool, but damn they are all the same. kinda gets old.

and just to clairify RE4 is over the sholder not 1st person. huge difference for me
Besides what you have mentioned, I had a lot of fun with:

Rayman Raving Rabbids - My favorite, well worth at least a rental
Excite Truck - fun racer
Trauma Center - fun but very hard
Super Monkey Ball - fun family multiplayer
I haven't really even paid attention to RE since like the N64 or something around that era, just not my kind of game. How are the Wii controls for it?

Wii has been packed up for months, was never set up after we moved, was going to get Paper Mario but my
Controls on RE4 are awesome. out of all the games i have played i would say the best controls. very smooth, best way to aim a gun and move around. way better than dual analog controllers.
Zelda is #1 by far the best game on the wii

Paper Mario was good
Wii Play is fun for mini games
Dragon Warrior (or Quest I forget which name they use in the US) looks amazing can't wait to play

Metroid was a disappointment
Red Steel (I think that's the name) boring
Mario Party is so-so, lack of online makes this game lame

I have a few other games, but can't remember them right now.
My 5 year old loves Bowling ( Wii Sports ) , Mario Party 8 and Carnival games.
Well of course there is Wii Sports and Zelda, but also I really loved The Godfather. The graphics aren't anything to write home about, but the controls made it fun. Right now I'm playing Metroid and it's incredible. I bought Monkey Ball and couldn't stand it. Can't wait for Smash Bros.
Smash bros will be the game for me. i really shouldn't even be here as I do not own a Wii yet but I plan on it once I bring in some extra cash and Smash bros is released. That game is going to be badass. It is going to have online multiplayer right?
not really sure on that, the Wii hasnt done much of anythign online as far as gameplay...
It is going to have online multiplayer right?

Yes.........and no.

It will have 4 person online multiplayer. But in Nintendo's ignorant ways, the other 3 players will be anonymous. You will not be able to chat with them or send them a message. You won't even be able to see their tag/code or add anyone you play to your friends list.
my current favs are Excite Truck and Metroid Prime 3.

Excite Truck cause it's a fun game to find all the different shortcuts and try to get that elusive 2880 degree spin.

Metroid Prime 3 cause well it's METROID PRIME!! I finished the first two on gamecube with 100% a crap load of times and now I'm trying the same with 3. I love games where it makes you think about what you have to do next to advance in a game.
RE4 is unbelievable, but basically because the original was just SOOO good and the Wii controls just made a great thing even better.

Metroid Prime 3 is pretty fun too.

Halo 3 Split Screen...One Huge Dissappointment

Wii owners: anyone gonna get dragon blade?

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