Will a 508 (or 501 or 510) tolerate this?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
Moreno Valley, CA
I am seriously going to get a 508 this time. No, really! :D And I am thinking about where I want to put it, since it won't fit in my entertainment center with all my other stuff. What I would like to do is put it in a closet mounted to a wall vertically with the faceplate pointed down. Can anyone think of a reason why this might be a bad idea?
How are you going to mount it? It must be STABLE. And, you cannot impede the airflow (this is a hot box). If the closet is small, or gets to hot -> not good.

I think the hard drive connector faces the front of the box. I'd double check the Maxtor and Western Digital sites and see if in general it's ok to mount the drives tail down.
I would first mount a board to the wall then anchor the 508 to it with L-brackets or something. The airflow would be unimpeded through the top and sides and nothing would be touching it.
Well the other option is to put it on a shelf up near the ceiling in the same closet. How much clearance should I allow between the top of the box and the ceiling? Would it be enough to allow just enough room for the UHF whip to clear?
I know this isn't best for electronics but:

I have my 501 in a tight AV cabinet sitting on top of a 120 watt receiver with less than an inch vertical clearance.

I have never had a problem. The 501 fan kicks on to keep everything cool.
Gotta watch that - I've had a 508 show signs of overheating without the fan coming on (I did make Dish exchange the box, but I'm not sure there was really anything wrong with it).

Got my 811 upgrade and have ??'s

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