Will Dish Fix the Guide

Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Remember when TNN changed it's name to SpikeTV how it took Dish almost 2 months to change the guide from TNN to Spike?

Well Game Show Network recently changed it's name to GSN, will Dish change its name in the guide from GAME to GSN? Or will they keep it game since the Good Samaritain Network is currently listed in the guide as GSN.

What do you think they will do? :D
I personally don't understand the name change. They were known as the Game Show Network, but now apparently changed their name to The Network for Games. Doesn't GSN stand for Game Show Network? Watch their commercial, gets even more confusing.

I'm sure dish will give GSN their name in the guide. As for Good Samaritain Network, they might use Good, or some variant.
I have no life and watch the Game Show Network daily.. even participate interactively from time to time...

GSN added "Games" to their lineup, wanted to include Reality show games, card games, video games, etc... and thought "Game Show network" looked more like a network for Game Shows.. IE Price is Right, Family Fued, etc.

You know, so they don't get the "MTV never plays music videos anymore" jokes on their end.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Remember when TNN changed it's name to SpikeTV how it took Dish almost 2 months to change the guide from TNN to Spike?

Well Game Show Network recently changed it's name to GSN, will Dish change its name in the guide from GAME to GSN? Or will they keep it game since the Good Samaritain Network is currently listed in the guide as GSN.

What do you think they will do? :D

According to the online programming guide at Dish's website, there is already a channel named "GSN". Apparently, it's the "Good Samaritan Network" on channel 9416. It's not in the guide on my receiver, but it's on the website... what kind of channel is it?

that is one of the Public Interest (PI) channels. It may be at 61.5 or some other location you do not receive.
bcshields said:
I have no life and watch the Game Show Network daily.. even participate interactively from time to time...

GSN added "Games" to their lineup, wanted to include Reality show games, card games, video games, etc... and thought "Game Show network" looked more like a network for Game Shows.. IE Price is Right, Family Fued, etc.

You know, so they don't get the "MTV never plays music videos anymore" jokes on their end.

I saw a commercial on there for the World Series of Blackjack..

I remember when GSN had game shows (old ones) all the time.

**sigh** now its all these new ones.

2 shows they need to bring back on there
-old Price is Right
-Press Your Luck (still waiting for the Michael Larsen episodes to air)
It's possible that it took so long to fix Spike bec. it took a software update. If they had to download all the call numbers/acronyms each time you hit "guide" or the guide were updated, I think it would take a lot longer to update the display.

I'd bet the numbers/acronyms are stored in nvram and can only be changed by a software update, and only programs/times are updated in the guide stream from the satellite.

So it could take a while to ever see changes.
Iceberg said:
2 shows they need to bring back on there
-old Price is Right
-Press Your Luck (still waiting for the Michael Larsen episodes to air)

The need to get Price is Right, absolutely.

Press Your Luck is shown in the weekend mornings... the Michael Larsen episodes were shown in a documentary a few months ago.. showed the whole scheme and how he did it.. forever changed the way I watch PYL. It was like a 2 hour documentary.

.. told you I have no life and watch GSN alot.
bcshields said:
The need to get Price is Right, absolutely.

Press Your Luck is shown in the weekend mornings... the Michael Larsen episodes were shown in a documentary a few months ago.. showed the whole scheme and how he did it.. forever changed the way I watch PYL. It was like a 2 hour documentary.

.. told you I have no life and watch GSN alot.

Saw the documentary (and the Whammy episode with his brother) when it first came out.

I just wish they would show the actual show(s) in their entirety, and not clips of it.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Remember when...
...What do you think they will do? :D
Gee, and here I thought this was going to be another complaint thread about the EPG problem on the 6000 and 811 after watching OTA programming for more than an hour :rolleyes: ...

How about Dish moving Spike out of the Music Channel range?
Iceberg said:
Saw the documentary (and the Whammy episode with his brother) when it first came out.

I just wish they would show the actual show(s) in their entirety, and not clips of it.
I thought that (other than interrupting to show what he was doing) they showed the episode(s) in their entirety...

I remember them saying something like it being the first time the show had been broadcast in its entirety since it originally aired. Said that the network would not allow it to be shown.
AcuraCL said:
It's possible that it took so long to fix Spike bec. it took a software update.
Nope. The SDT available on every transponder has the channel titles. Channels and their titles can be added or changed at any time without changing the software.

There is also a program guide on every transponder that provides the Present and Next program on each and every channel. This supplies the data for the "Browse" function as well as last minute EPG changes.


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