With the 522, Can I?


Original poster
Apr 20, 2004
I only have (and want) one TV. However, I want to watch one live show and record another simultaneously.

I plan on ordering the Dish for two rooms, and having it connected to my one TV and having the installer run a cable to my bedroom and telling him that I just have not purchased the 2nd TV yet. I have found out that my monthly cost will be the same as for one TV with the 510. All I have to do is have the phone connected continuously (OK by me - I do not care if they monitor what I watch).

Will this work?

Thanks for your help :D

I ordered mine and tols the installer that I had only one tv. I used a combiner and fed it both outputs from the 521 and can watch the 521 on channel 3 and 21 on my tv. However, i have no need to. The latest saoftware for the 522 allows you to set a prefered tuner to record to. I set the PVR to use tuner2. it is not as nice as a 721 reciever, but it gets the job done.
Thanks for the reply. :p

In order to get the 522, did you have to lie to dish and say that you had two TV's?
I really don't think Dish cares if you actually have 2 TVs. Run the second feed to your VCR why not. The only thing is that you need to have some kind of monitor able to 'see' TV2 just so you can control it - although the newest software might alleviate the need for that - it's been a while since I've been able to play with one.


OK Now I am confused. Simple simon said that I need to "see" tuner 2 in order to control it. Precious Roy said that I can just set tuner 2 as the default for recording. I want to view everything from the s-video output for TV-1. Will that be possible or will I need to use TV-2 to view programs recorded on Tuner 2? Wow, it it difficult to explain these things clearly.

Here is my plan.

Connect S-video out on TV-1 to my TV.
Connect the digital audio out on TV-1 to my Stereo Receiver.
Connect the coax out on TV-2 to my VCR.
Connect the stereo out on TV-2 to my VCR.

Will I need to look at the image on the VCR output to define what to record with Tuner 2? Will I be able to view programs recorded with Tuner 2 through the s-video out in digital audio?

Whew! Does that make sense?

winshawn said:

OK Now I am confused. Simple simon said that I need to "see" tuner 2 in order to control it. Precious Roy said that I can just set tuner 2 as the default for recording. I want to view everything from the s-video output for TV-1. Will that be possible or will I need to use TV-2 to view programs recorded on Tuner 2? Wow, it it difficult to explain these things clearly.

Here is my plan.

Connect S-video out on TV-1 to my TV.
Connect the digital audio out on TV-1 to my Stereo Receiver.
Connect the coax out on TV-2 to my VCR.
Connect the stereo out on TV-2 to my VCR.

Will I need to look at the image on the VCR output to define what to record with Tuner 2? Will I be able to view programs recorded with Tuner 2 through the s-video out in digital audio?

Whew! Does that make sense?

Yeah - the 522 supposedly is going to (already has???) 2 modes it can run in - single and dual. Beyond that, I'm unclear on how it works in the 2 modes as regards this.

The old mode (that might be the only one right now), effectively makes the 522 act as two totally indpendent DVR receivers that share a single HDD. Recorded events can be seen on either TV-out.

That being said, your setup should work, but yes, you might have to use the VCR output to control Tuner-2 to make recordings while using Tuner-1 to watch live shows via the TV-1 output.

I'd be VERY interested in knowing what you find out about how it operates.
I just got one of these receivers and was wondering the same thing. I just got done talking to a dish network techie. The single use mode is scheduled to be released sometime this quarter. He told me that in the dual mode from TV1 if you go to record you can opt to send the recording to TV2 (which uses the TV2 tuner so you can watch something else on TV1) but other than that you cannot control much else. He said when the software is released you would be able to control and see everything from both tuners on TV1 including having both pictures on the TV screen at the same time (PIP) with the TV having the feature.
OK - I stand corrected. Winshawn won't need to use TV-2 to control stuff. That's good.

New question, and I'm pretty sure the answer is 'yes'. Can you record 2 shows using both tuners while watching 2 previously recorded ones on both TV-outs?
I did not ask him that. The only thing he actually told me was that you would be able to record 2 shows using both tuners and watch a recorded show. But I think the answer is YES also. Now if they can just get the upgrade out.

Since I am new to the Dish unit do they put software upgrade notices on there website anywhere ? And do they put info on what the upgrades include ?

Joe Searfoss said:
I did not ask him that. The only thing he actually told me was that you would be able to record 2 shows using both tuners and watch a recorded show. But I think the answer is YES also. Now if they can just get the upgrade out.

Since I am new to the Dish unit do they put software upgrade notices on there website anywhere ? And do they put info on what the upgrades include ?

Yeah. It's off of the Customer Care / Technical page
They do NOT tell you what's in it tho.
I'm not positive about this, but both tuners need to be "setup" independantly. Just connect TV1 to input # 1 on your TV and TV2 to input # 2 on the same TV. Instead of having to go to another part of your house, the installer will just push the TV/Video button on the TV's remote. :)
That is what I am doing at my main TV.
Tuner 1 is connected via S-Video to Input 1 on my TV.
Tuner 2 is connected to my VCR->TV input 3, and a wireless video transmitter that sends the signal upstairs.

The remote is cool, you can set it so that the volume control while in SAT mode can control the TV volume or in my case, the volume to my surround sound reciever. The optical out on tuner one is nice too. This is the closest they have come to the DirecTivo.

Now if they can just get stuff like Tivo's seasons pass and wishlists going, it will be really nice. And of course, fix the bugs.

If the 722 is really Linux based, then it is only a matter of time before Hard drive upgrades and such will be developed.!
hall said:
I'm not positive about this, but both tuners need to be "setup" independently.

You are quite right. I also found that TV2 has to be connected or it will not shut off properly...blue TV2 light remained on.

Has anyone found a way to edit already created automatic event timers and change the receiver destination? Using the record button does afford an opportunity to send to either TV1 or TV2, but if you have already created a timer event, you can't later redirect it to a different tuner. A software update providing this function would save deleting timers, searching and creating a whole new timer.

You can set up your tuner record preference here:

Main Menu>Preferences>Record Plus>Enable either TV1 or TV2 record preference.

You can then easily ask the DVR to create timer events to be recorded on TV2 using the TV1 remote.

Dumb question I apologize in advance

Dish 510 for sell!!

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