Xbox360 Only Has 2.7 Mil Sales In Us?


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Supporting Founder
Oct 11, 2003
Caution: This article is from GameDaily on why they believe the PS3 will succeed. My leadin is that from other posts I have read I thought that XBOX360 sales were 6 mil in the US. Seems that is not true. 6 mil is a worldwide figure. So 10 mil by the end of the year would be a worldwide figure. This next gen race might be closer sooner then any of us thought.
Caution: This article is from GameDaily on why they believe the PS3 will succeed. My leadin is that from other posts I have read I thought that XBOX360 sales were 6 mil in the US. Seems that is not true. 6 mil is a worldwide figure. So 10 mil by the end of the year would be a worldwide figure. This next gen race might be closer sooner then any of us thought.

and we will see ALOT less Ps3s being sold I think.....I was in downtown the other day, and 5 people were talking about how they were going to get the PS3, I happened on the conversations and talked to all of them (we were all at target in line.) anyways they were mothers/younger people and they all said they were for sure getting one on launch day, I asked them if they had it reserved, they said no...I then told them they probably werent getting one then...we talked some more and they asked me the price, I told them, which at that point only the younger kid knew, and ALL of them said never mind, we will wait, or get another system.
I suspect most parents aren't going to fork over hundreds, or up to $1000, for a new game system when Junior's 2-year-old Xbox-1 or PS2 is still working fine with the hundreds of dollars of games and accessories.

The parents that will do it are likely to wait until Christmas to make such a purchase. 360 was in short supply this year...and PS3 will be in shorter supply this season. I expect the 360 to pick up steam this fall when parent see they can get a "next gen" for much less than a PS3.

I also imagine the millions of 360 U.S. sales this past year were to adults like me who just love toys. :rolleyes:
Caution: This article is from GameDaily on why they believe the PS3 will succeed. My leadin is that from other posts I have read I thought that XBOX360 sales were 6 mil in the US. Seems that is not true. 6 mil is a worldwide figure. So 10 mil by the end of the year would be a worldwide figure. This next gen race might be closer sooner then any of us thought.

Good ol' Joe, full of BS spin as always... :)

(...) According to NPD data, Microsoft sold around 2.7 million units in the U.S through September. MS' figures indicate that the company sold 5 million units worldwide through June, and just yesterday they revealed that they had reached the 6 million units mark.

So unless EU and Japan bought same amount or more than US did - I find it hard to believe -, NPD is quite off on US sales.
However if NPD right and EU and Japan is indeed on-pair with US in terms of sold units then MS finally made big on the Japanese market, the long-standing [N] and Sony fortress.
This case hints very dire consequences for Sony...

See also:
I just gave stats and facts, no bs assumptions from ppl who clearly don't know much about the gaming industry especially in Japan.
not really agreeing with many points in this article. Gamecube medium was 1.5 GB while PS2 had 9GB of space max, even though its disks typically came in around 4 GB. It was obvious that the graphics were comparable in some cases and in others GC was the obvious winner due to some graphical capabilities built into the system. After all, it's not like we're talking the difference between a PS1 disc and an N64 cart. Even in N64's early titles, the lack of texture data was obvious. This isn't the case with 360's titles, which have a very crisp and detailed appearance.

N64 Cart (avg 8MB) versus PS1 CD (650-700MB)
360 Disc (9GB) versus PS3 BD Disc (15-30-50GB)

9GB is more than enough space for game data. What will end up taking more space ultimately than textures is the use of video, which can be compressed to an MPEG-4 variant that the 360 processors are more than capable of handling. In the end, if it all comes down to switching discs (which seems unlikely), I think I can deal with having to get up and swap the disc a couple of times.

I do think that PS3 will win, namely because they've given consumers what they want (and probably a few things they don't need) even if the price seems steep.
The brand name loyalty carried over from PS1 to PS2 was enough to kill off Dreamcast despite the innovative titles Sega put out. Everyone was willing to wait for PS2. I think the same thing has pretty much happened with the PS3, but MS has the money invested to stick around, unlike Sega. It will be interesting to see what happens. I think people are letting the quirkiness of Nintendo's product distract them from the fact that diehard gamers, who have also become consumer elctronics buffs, are going to want their products to contain all the bells and whistles, HD res., HD content playback, Dolby Digital, and a multitude of buttons. I think Nintendo's approach is unique, but not necessarily lasting. Hearing that its AV output is not much better than a souped-up Xbox (minus the Dolby digital), I'm skeptical about spending $250+ on outdated graphics and sound for my LCD and surround system.
T2k, didn't read the disclamer. My question here is how you guys keep bringing up 5 million sold, 6 million sold, 10 million sold when there have only been 2.7 million sold here in the U.S. As for T2k and his usual BS, I just posted the article, why don' t you try and go to the writer of the article Tk2 and push your style his way. I am sure he will listen to you.

Some of you here think no one wants a PS3. How wrong can you be. I was at a local Toys R Us (they only had 15 Wiis and 5 PS3s to presell) but there was over 40 people in that line that did not get a presell (I was one) and they were split 50/50 for the Wii and PS3. In my little area of the line there were 5 for a PS3 and 3 for a Wii. We talked and you know what, only one person was even thinking about selling the PS3 if he got one -- and he was in college. Two of us were just as interested in the BluRay as the gaming aspects of the PS3. I think every PS3 that hits the shelves for the next 6 months is going to sell slam out. How many that will be will be up to Sony and production schedules but if they can deliver. If they can continue to produce 500,000 to 600,000 units a month they will meet their 3 million units sold by the end of March 2007.

So, this is for those of you who come in here and read these posts, Tk2 is a very big M$ fan and his BS goes without shame. He neither backs up his mouth nor does he even try. At least Stuart628 tries to bring some civility to any conversation he is involved in. The bottom line is the PS3 is going to sell out -- whether there are really 400,000 at launch ( both the PS2 and XBOX360 launched with less units) or Sony delivers another 400,000 to 800,000 by the end of the year.

Some food for thought, Sony just started manufacturing the PS3 the second week of October, if they can deliver 400,000 units by November 17th whats the possiblity they can deliver another 400,000 units by December 17th? Do the math-- it is pretty easy. Another little tidbit from an insider at EB (management) the managers expect to do another presell of the PS3 as soon as they have a date and quantity on the second shipment of PS3s before XMAS. One manager told me that he will get his presell then.

Manager at Toys r Us stated that the presell numbers are all his company will allow him to do and that they were not taking names for any units they might or might not get on Nov 17th outside of the presell. He was pretty catty on the answers. He did not want to talk to anyone about the new systems. You might not get a PS3 at launch but if you are persistant you just might get one before XMAS.
On presells, so far in the US only Gamestop/EB and Toys R Us have done presells. No one else has or probably will. Lets see, that's Best Buy, Circuit City, Walmart, K-Mart, Sears, Target, and most online retailers like Amazon.Com. That sure is alot of folks who are going to have a few PS3s to sell on November 17th. Pick out your favorite and try to find out their sales schedule. Some stores like Walmart who are open 24 hours a day will sell their units a midnight. Some like Best Buy you will have to get there very early in the morning to get one. Good-Luck!
NDP numbers DO NOT include Wal-Mart.

Yes, the PS3 will sell every unit available for the 1st 6 months, just like the 360 and just like the Wii will do.

We won't know for 12 months or more who is moving into the lead.

Until then enjoy the games, which is the point of a game system.
NDP numbers DO NOT include Wal-Mart.

Yes, the PS3 will sell every unit available for the 1st 6 months, just like the 360 and just like the Wii will do.

We won't know for 12 months or more who is moving into the lead.

Until then enjoy the games, which is the point of a game system.

QFT. envoy whichever you have or are getting and basically it's all about the games.
The brand name loyalty carried over from PS1 to PS2 was enough to kill off Dreamcast despite the innovative titles Sega put out.

I am going to have to disagree with that one a bit.

I think the #1 reason why Dreamcast "died"
Was the fact that it's game/security was hacked to easily to the point, you literraly could download the game of the internet... burn it to a CD...

And you where on your way.... no mod chips, no opening the dreamcast, nothing.

And mix that in with them being the #3 - #4 console out there...
So they really had no choice then to pull the plug on it..

As for "name recognition"..

If the PS3 was not called Playstation, and came out from anothe company.
Same EXACT system... Same EXACT price.

What would the demand be for the unit?
Would the arguments be the same?

I think the Playstation "name" is one of the PS3's biggest selling points.

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