xbox360vsps3 game pictures?

Ummm what? Both look like sh*t but these PS3 pics are horrible:

Check the road, check the building:

Just check the water:

Something definitely wrong with these shots, they look like no advanced texturing, no shaders, no mapping in effect.... weird, it looks they have soft shadows but then where all the basics have gone?
yeah, I was wondering the same thing when i saw these. Both systems pics look like crap. 360 looks really dark and PS3 looks like it is missing alot of detail
yeah, I was wondering the same thing when i saw these. Both systems pics look like crap. 360 looks really dark and PS3 looks like it is missing alot of detail

I think the ps3 looks better. Look at the sky and the building. The others little details look the developer changes. Who says the developer did not change the map on the two system on purpose. I Have ridge racer 6 on the 360 and I was planing to get ridge racer 7 for the ps3 this friday. But if it's going to be the same maps on both games, than I think I will save my money

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