Yankees Sign Teixeira

Beaten to the punch!:up But hey, I was called a "hater" because the team I like didn't just spend MORE THAN a QUARTER OF A BILLION dollars!!:rolleyes:

LMAO!!! NOW, ANYTHING other than a World Series win would be considered a complete BUST and a failure.:up

The NERVE of some Yankees fans to say they "don't expect the Yankees to it win" with all the money the team spends year in and year out. EITHER the management EXPECTS to win every year or they are THE stupidest AND irresponsible team ownership in all of professional sports history.

This post could have come from a Stephen A Smith. Someone saying so little so loudly...:rolleyes:

As usual you are WRONG. What kind of cheese do you like with your WHINE?

REALLY??!! YOU are gonna sit there and tell me that with THIS spending spree, the Yankees or their fans DO NOT EXPECT to win the World Series and ANYTHING SHORT of that would be a failure?

You have gone WAY PAST denial and dilusional to litterally just being on crack....:rolleyes:

So I suppose they spent ALL this money to try really hard to be a 2nd place team??!!:haha:haha:haha:haha

Or maybe you are ALREADY setup the excuse just incase you DON'T win.....

OTHER than a catastrophic injuries to 2 key players or more(and as much as I dislike the Yankees, they are human and DO have families....I would not like a terrible injury happen to anyone....well, except of course Al Davis...but that's for another thread.....:D), THIS Yankee team is more than likely THE ODDS ON FAVORITE to win it all....anything short of a Worlds Series win, you CANNOT call it a success.

...plain and simple.....

I am not wrong...you are plain scared to accept the truth slappin' ya in the face.:mad:
This post could have come from a Stephen A Smith. Someone saying so little so loudly...:rolleyes:


Another one that just went past the cool aid stand because it was not enough.....

...I will go simple for you, though I know you seem to have issues with that...

Last year, the New England Patriots had THE best team on paper. EVERYONE knew that, especially the ownership and fans. When they knew they were running everyone out of the stadium in just about every game, they knew full well that IF they were to go undefeated and have that magical season, it would be totally incomplete WITHOUT the Super Bowl win. Ownership knew it and the fans 'got it'.

When Michael Jordan's 1998 team that went 72-10...they knew it AND said it. They had a saying that they used throughout the playoffs, "it do mean a thing if you ain't got that ring......"

....same things applies here.

I have ALREADY spoken to plenty of Yankee fans down here, and believe me, there are a ton and my family and friends still live in NY and they have done NOTHING but talk about this most of yesterday and through out the night. They get the fact that the ownership spent a ton of money EXPECTING TO WIN the World Series. They Yankee fans down here were ALL over the radio today basically crowning the Yankees World Series champs, not because they spent this much money, but because they picked up THE two biggest free agents available and added them to an ALREADY strong team....they get it.

...seems like you two, don't.....:confused:

Not a Yankees fan at all, but for you to say the "Yankees are ruining the game" is silly. The Yankees are playing within the rules. They can pay players as much as they want. It's their money. As long as there isn't a salary cap, they're playing within the boundaries.
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Again, I don't care who it was, Mets, Yanks, Angels, Red Sox . . . the amount of money being spent is ridiculous and I can see at least 3 clubs in the next 5 years folding

Not to sound heartless, but would this be a bad thing? IMO, expansion is worse for baseball than the no salary cap issue.
Not a Yankees fan at all, but for you to say the "Yankees are ruining the game" is silly. The Yankees are playing within the rules. They can pay players as much as they want. It's there money. As long as there isn't a salary cap, they're playing within the boundaries.

They have to a certain extent ruined baseball within the rules. WAY too many times, the Yankees have overly paid for someone that isn't worth the money. They STARTED the whole thing back in the '70s for GOD's sake. So almost every time they do this, EVERY big name free agents knows....when it's time to play for the money...there is ALWAYS a good chance the Yankees will flinch and pay the piper. Setting a standard that MOST teams cannot match. Personally, I don't believe in a "luxury tax", it's basically punishing a team that is working within the system. BUUUUTTT, I HAVE softend up a bit to a salary cap. I have always believe a player should get as much as he can because if you were one of THE BEST engineers in the world, considered by most "experts"...shouldn't you be paid the best in your field?
They have to a certain extent ruined baseball within the rules. WAY too many times, the Yankees have overly paid for someone that isn't worth the money. They STARTED the whole thing back in the '70s for GOD's sake. So almost every time they do this, EVERY big name free agents knows....when it's time to play for the money...there is ALWAYS a good chance the Yankees will flinch and pay the piper. Setting a standard that MOST teams cannot match. Personally, I don't believe in a "luxury tax", it's basically punishing a team that is working within the system. BUUUUTTT, I HAVE softend up a bit to a salary cap. I have always believe a player should get as much as he can because if you were one of THE BEST engineers in the world, considered by most "experts"...shouldn't you be paid the best in your field?

How do you determine what someone's worth if there is no limit to what you can spend?

This reminds me of a story from when I was a wee lad collecting cards. I had a Dan Marino rookie card and I told my old man it was worth $175. He told me it's only worth what you can sell it for.

Same applies here. If the Yankees feel the need to pay large sums of money to a free agent, to them, they must feel it's worth it. And since the free agent has a buyer, in some way they ARE worth the money.
How do you determine what someone's worth if there is no limit to what you can spend?

This reminds me of a story from when I was a wee lad collecting cards. I had a Dan Marino rookie card and I told my old man it was worth $175. He told me it's only worth what you can sell it for.

Same applies here. If the Yankees feel the need to pay large sums of money to a free agent, to them, they must feel it's worth it. And since the free agent has a buyer, in some way they ARE worth the money.

Same does NOT apply and I will tell you why. That card will sit there...collecting dust, do nothing. It might not appreciate because as MORE players breaks Marino's records....less he will be remember as the guy WITH the record and more of a trivia question of who HAD it before it was broken by the new guy. A player, CAN bring in OTHER players, if he has the right "juice"....he can ALSO bring more exposure for both fans and advertisers....and in some cases, bring an economic boom to the city and the cities he visits.

As far as the Yankees are concern, from the day they payed a ton for "Catfish" Hunter(in '74, the Yankees paid 3.75 million for 5 years...he was the highest paid pitcher..when all other pitchers were barely making $150,000 for a named pitcher...)they have set the standard of 'we will pay regardless of what it will cost because we want a championship by any means necessary...'. Including my favorite and yours, 'let's sign him, eventhough we don't need him, so that our rival won't get them....'
Not to sound heartless, but would this be a bad thing? IMO, expansion is worse for baseball than the no salary cap issue.

A piece on ESPN today in the Teixeira article about can how can other teams compete now that the Yankees spent a ton, are calling for a salary cap LOL.

"At the rate the Yankees are going, I'm not sure anyone can compete with them," Milwaukee Brewers owner Mark Attanasio told Bloomberg News in an e-mail. "Frankly, the sport might need a salary cap."

I think the money from the luxury tax finally help benefit the low teams this years with the Rays. Hopefully they continue and don't have a fire sale like some teams after they make it deep into the playoffs.
A piece on ESPN today in the Teixeira article about can how can other teams compete now that the Yankees spent a ton, are calling for a salary cap LOL.

"At the rate the Yankees are going, I'm not sure anyone can compete with them," Milwaukee Brewers owner Mark Attanasio told Bloomberg News in an e-mail. "Frankly, the sport might need a salary cap."

I think the money from the luxury tax finally help benefit the low teams this years with the Rays. Hopefully they continue and don't have a fire sale like some teams after they make it deep into the playoffs.

And of course, Big Market teams will not want that because as you see in the NFL, almost anyone can sign anyone so long as you are smart about spending, trading and drafting. There is almost parity in the NFL.
Not a Yankees fan at all, but for you to say the "Yankees are ruining the game" is silly. The Yankees are playing within the rules. They can pay players as much as they want. It's their money. As long as there isn't a salary cap, they're playing within the boundaries.
I agree. Since the Yankees have departed from the formula that made them so successful in the late 90's and gone on an offseason spending spree every year, they haven't won any titles. I could understand the frustration of non-Yankee fans if these big-time acquisitions actually paid dividends for them and they were still a championship team. But, in the meantime, who does it hurt that the NYY spend all this money while other teams win World Series??
REALLY??!! YOU are gonna sit there and tell me that with THIS spending spree, the Yankees or their fans DO NOT EXPECT to win the World Series and ANYTHING SHORT of that would be a failure?

You have gone WAY PAST denial and dilusional to litterally just being on crack....:rolleyes:

So I suppose they spent ALL this money to try really hard to be a 2nd place team??!!:haha:haha:haha:haha

Or maybe you are ALREADY setup the excuse just incase you DON'T win.....

OTHER than a catastrophic injuries to 2 key players or more(and as much as I dislike the Yankees, they are human and DO have families....I would not like a terrible injury happen to anyone....well, except of course Al Davis...but that's for another thread.....:D), THIS Yankee team is more than likely THE ODDS ON FAVORITE to win it all....anything short of a Worlds Series win, you CANNOT call it a success.

...plain and simple.....

I am not wrong...you are plain scared to accept the truth slappin' ya in the face.:mad:

I'll try to explain to your little brain - just one more time how I FEEL. And since I am a Yankee fan, I guess it allows me to do so.

The fact that the team went out and added those 3 free agent players is wonderful in my opinion. It definitely makes the team much better as I see it. I think the Yanks will make the playoffs, and have an excellent chance to make it to the ALCS.

Now let's get to the reality of professional baseball. In a 7 game series ANY TEAM can win - it is never automatic, it is never handed to you by the other team. I will be disappointed if we don't make it to the ALCS - but to win it all you need more than just the best names on a lineup card. Even the WORST teams (probably like those you coach) win games all the time.

Now if it disturbs you so very much that at least this Yankee fan knows that no win is automatic, and winning the World Series is not automatic, that's fine - it won't be the first time (and I am sure not the last time) that I ignore you.
I agree. Since the Yankees have departed from the formula that made them so successful in the late 90's and gone on an offseason spending spree every year, they haven't won any titles. I could understand the frustration of non-Yankee fans if these big-time acquisitions actually paid dividends for them and they were still a championship team. But, in the meantime, who does it hurt that the NYY spend all this money while other teams win World Series??

Exactly. They haven't gone on a spending spree every year, but your point is still valid.

Whatever the Yankees spend, they've proven it doesn't guarantee a title...or even a playoff berth. People have been complaining for decades that Yankee spending will ruin the game. And it never does.

Teams like the Marlins SHOULD be contracted out of the league, but despite all the spending, they not only survive despite a terrible stadium and terrible attendance, they can still compete every once in a while.

The Yanks getting Tex will possibly benefit the Angels more than anyone else. A stronger Yankee team at the expense of the Red Sox means a harder year for the Sox. The Angels will be the odds on favorite to take the west again. So, let's say the Yanks put the Sox down and clinch the East...I wondr what one single team in all of the majors has the uncanny ability to beat the Yankees year in and year out? Light up the halo, boys!
I know this is hard to believe, but as a Red Sox fan I have to defend the Yankees here.

1. After signing Sabathia, Burnett and Tex they are STILL about $20 million under last year's payroll.

2. What were they supposed to do, just let him waltz to the Red Sox

3. They are opening a beautiful new ballpark, and need all the marquee names they can get with the ticket prices. Signing Tex will also help with sponsership in these rough economic times.

4. The Yankees will once again have to pay a HUGE luxury tax. If they're willing to spend the money, more power to 'em. At least they're trying to put a winning product on the field..................something I can't say for a lot of teams in MLB.

Game, set, match. Couldn't have said it better. That being said, I'm not scared of this team. Of course I don't play in the MLB, either. The Rays and the Marlins proved last season that a team can compete without a huge payroll. Smart drafting and proper player development works too.
The Yanks getting Tex will possibly benefit the Angels more than anyone else. A stronger Yankee team at the expense of the Red Sox means a harder year for the Sox. The Angels will be the odds on favorite to take the west again. So, let's say the Yanks put the Sox down and clinch the East...I wondr what one single team in all of the majors has the uncanny ability to beat the Yankees year in and year out? Light up the halo, boys!

Well the Redsox with a depleted injuried lineup almost made the World Series so we are in good shape, maybe a pitcher, and a backup outfielder is all they need.

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